
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Cutting again...........

I have ideas for several new quilts but they all require a lot of cutting so I started yesterday with the plaids to go with the Kaffes that were already cut.  There are a lot more fabrics to cut.

My Weigela bushes are blooming now.  This one is just past its prime.  I have 2 of these side by side and I cut the other one down to about 18" late in the season so it didn't bloom.  I will cut this one back after it is done blooming and then it should set buds for next year.
This one is a really pale pink. I will cut it back too.  I was warned when I bought them that I would be sorry if I didn't keep them trimmed.  If I had a large piece of property I could let them grow but on a city lot there isn't room for their growth.
The red one is always last to bloom and just has buds now.

I dug another hosta last night.  It was getting too large for its space.  I was able to just dig one side and pop some babies off without digging the whole plant out.  Today I need to mow the grass.  I enjoy mowing while it is still cool but I will dread it when it is hot and humid.


  1. Cutting does take time and it is good to have fabric prepped and ready to sew, I love Kaffe fabrics. My Wiegla is a week or two behind yours. I also trim mine. When in bloom, they keep the migrating hummingbirds happy.

  2. Good morning Wanda.....your Weigela bushes are beautiful and so pretty to look at. We have 2 of them and I do keep them trimmed back because of where they're located. So happy we are finally getting warmer weather and will have to get busy doing yard work, once the pond cleaning weekend is over. Can't wait to see what you are dreaming up for the new quilts.

  3. My tree peony, the pink one has its buds about ready to burst. The magenta one is a bit later. My hydrangeas froze most of the buds with the late freeze this spring. Looking forward to buying annuals and doing all my boxes. I hope I can find the lime green sweet potato vine you had- much lacier and nice.
    Studio space is all clean surfaces again, so time to get them messed up cutting!

  4. After my chores this morning, I will be doing some cutting too.

  5. Those bushes are really beautiful. I love that they are in so many different colors.

  6. Hi Wanda! I have been curious...why do you sew with triangles rather than sewing two squares together and cutting them apart, making two? Thanks.

  7. Watching to see what you do with your plaid and KF triangles . . .

  8. I love it when you cut fabric and I know there is a new project on the the way - something for me to look forward to :)


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