
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Switching projects........

I started the day yesterday cutting more hexagons and triangles while doing laundry but quickly realized I couldn't stand on cement one more day.  Instead I went outside and did a little yard and garden clean up.  Last night I wanted a project to do while watching the NCIS programs so I grabbed the 2" finished triangle container.
I put them in piles of 10 so I could see how many were done.  I have 2 quilts planned that each take four different sizes of triangle squares.  I need to sew some more of this size.

Currently blooming: the white cactus.  This is the second time this winter for this one.


  1. Oh, boy! New projects in the planning stage. I love following your creative endeavors.

  2. it is the time of year that the outside calls us outside - now if the wind would calm down here so I could enjoy it - just too windy to work outside the last few days - I think I will sit at the sewing machine for a bit today and get the grocery shopping/laundry done.

  3. Seeing your productivity while watching television makes me realize all the time I wasted in years past.

  4. I hear you about standing on the hard surfaces for so long!!! I hope it was a nice day to be outside.

  5. My husband got some soft mats to help him with the basement floor (he does woodworking down there). It's made a huge difference. He got them at a kitchen supply place. They are on a roll and they cut them to your desired length. I think they are called anti-fatigue mats.

  6. I worked on our yard too yesterday. It was so beautiful.

    Our front yard is pretty much the opposite of yours though as I put in native plants and mulch for the bulk of it. I only need to do anything with it a few times a year so that is nice for me. And it's wonderful since we are not supposed to be watering the outside much.

    The back yard we put in some boxes and sometimes vegetables right about this time of year. I'm hoping to find some Mexican squash AKA grey squash to plant. They look like grey short and squat zucchini and taste like zucchini but do not seem to have all the moisture so they stay firmer when cooked.

    Always interesting to come by your blog and hear about all the interesting groups you work with and your projects!

    : )

  7. I got my spring garden clean up done a couple weeks ago... Of course we had a couple snow showers since, but I am ready for spring snow or no snow. (*._,*)

    Your triangles are fun to look at, I enjoy studying the combinations you put together. And your white cactus is just lovely... JJM

  8. Come work in my yard please.... I do enjoy it but I love the sewing room much more.

  9. I love that white cactus bloom the most of all the colors.

  10. Pretty cactus. I know well that standing too long feeling and I just hate it when I finally do sit my feet cramp up.

  11. Yup, it was a good day to pick up sticks!! Today the rain will have me stitching again while I do laundry. I love being retired!!


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