
Friday, March 25, 2016


I caught up with my TV shows with ON DEMAND last night and counted triangle squares while I watched.  This is all of the 2", 3" and 4" finished triangle squares.  I need to make 72 more of the 4" size.  I haven't looked for the 6" triangles yet.  Since I made a quilt recently with all 6" ones I'm not sure if I have any cut.
I cut one more fabric into hexagons yesterday and put all of them back up on the wall.  This will only be about 60" x 65" with this many.  If I add to the length I have to add 2 rows to have a long row across the bottom.  That would add 14.5" to the length.  I'll have to think about this.  
This is a shot of yesterday afternoon's weather.  All morning it rained and then mid afternoon it started snowing huge snowflakes, almost sheets of snow.  The streaks in front of the tree trunks are the huge flakes.  All of the driveways and streets are clear because they are warm.


  1. Lots of cutting going on there. I made bindings for 4 quilts and finished longarming my granddaughter's. Can't wait to start something new. Got lots of ideas, but need to make a choice!

  2. You have a lot of pieces and parts going on! It will be fun to see them all come together! Have a lovely Easter!

    It is 36 here. The snow that was predicted all week is now been changed to just overcast skies.

  3. a lot of pretty colors in those fabrics - on to another great quilt I see. I bet your snow melts fast at this time of year - we have been getting cold nights again here but know it will not last long.

  4. I see all your HST sets and wonder how you make them? Do you sew triangles or squares together? I have to make about 100+ HST of just two colors for a small border and wonder which way is best.

  5. Looks like you have been busy!! But, then again, I think you stay busy!!
    Love those hexagons...the colors are great!
    Cannot wait to see what you do with all those half square triangles!
    Sandra B

  6. Those hexies are so pretty.

    I hope the sun returns for your Easter.

  7. So much progress! Will be fun to see the next step I'm sure!

  8. That's a lot of quilt seeds you have there! And snow???? Hubby and I are nursing sore backs tonight from working out in the yard today.


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