
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Colorwash sewn.............

From left to right, 1. pieces from colorwash started last year, 2. starting to tweak by moving 2 edges out one row, 3. all filled in, and 4. final tweak and sewn together.  If you click and enlarge the photo you might see the changes I made from all filled in to the sewn top.  The 4th photo was taken on the wall that has the best lighting so it is almost true color.
I think I like it better one quarter turn to the right. It is about 35" square.

It isn't perfect, but I think it is beautiful.  I will make another, a little more perfect, a little more beautiful.


  1. I like it better with the 1/4 turn too because all of the red blocks, which catch my eye, are on the right hand side. I've never made a color wash quilt and think yours are beautiful!

  2. Beautiful. I can't decide which rotation I like best. I could live with it hung either way!

  3. I think everything you do is pretty perfect and gorgeous. I'd be interested in seeing your massive stash...

  4. It is beautiful and very, very close to perfect.

  5. You do such beautiful work.

  6. Doesn't matter which way you turn it, it's beautiful! And perfect.

  7. Wonderful colour wash and I too like the quarter turn best.

  8. It would be beautiful any which way you turn it, just perfect.

  9. This is so gorgeous...I'm such a fan of all your work!

  10. Love the color wash with the quarter turn! Wanda, you really have an eye for this sort of thing. Also, I want to thank you for blogging every day. You give us all so much inspiration!

  11. It is definitely beautiful! I think every one you make is my new favorite. You are definitely the master on these.

  12. Yes, I like it with the blue top left - I think it balances out better. Maybe because I'm thinking blue sky, green forest and a mystery waiting through a red fog :p I love it.

  13. This is absolutely stunning!


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