
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lots done..........

The batik orphan block quilt top is finished.  Since the blocks weren't specially made to go together, there are a few places that could have looked better if it had been planned.  Overall though I'm really happy with it. It is about 54" x 69".
Late in the afternoon yesterday I quilted the second flannel quilt.  I used 2 binder clips instead of the failing channel lock and that worked pretty well.

The lines of quilting are just randomly placed, no measuring.

This one got a dark green plaid and a beige stripe on black for the backing.

Last night I sewed the binding on the first flannel quilt.  Once again I did it all by machine.  Hopefully I'll get the binding on the other one today and can take photos of both of them.

The peach/orange is so pretty against the black and white pot.

 Here is a view of the whole plant just loaded with buds.  The soft red one at the end is full of blooms too.


  1. Happy Sunday morning to you - the sun is shining but it's still cold outside. We also have some cactus buds finally opening but not as pretty as yours.
    I really love your orphan quilt, but just one block catches my eye that I'm not keen on, colour wise - that grey/cream block. The flannel quilts are coming along nicely. Are you keeping them all or are some for gifts/selling?

  2. The batik orphan quilt came out great in my opinion. I love it.

  3. All the orphan blocks look quite at home in this one! They really turned out great. A good mix of sizes seems to add so much interest.

  4. This did turn out beautifully!

  5. I am so happy you turned those orphans into a scrappy top - just wonderful. Two handsome flannels and what happy blooms. Thanks for a day brightening post!

  6. Good morning Wanda and thanks for posting the beautiful cacti flowers. You must really enjoy them, especially now, since there's nothing blooming outside to indicate that spring might be just around the corner. The orphan quilt is very colorful and turned out beautifully. Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next. Enjoy the day.

  7. Love,love,love your orphan block quilt!

  8. The orphan block quilt is certainly not an orphan. It came together beautifully with lots of eye movement.

  9. The orphan block quilt came together wonderfully! I LOVE IT! Love your flannel work, too. I forget how nicely random straight line quilting turns out. Thank you for reminding me.

  10. The orphan blocks all came together nicely, just like they belonged with each other. Enjoying seeing your cacti in bloom!

  11. Great Sunday Post today Wanda, I know it is a good feeling when you finish a quilt and then to be able to use all those 'orphan blocks' in one piece is amazing. Enjoyed seeing both quilting techniques used on your flannels, and love both. And OMG ~ to have all those cactus blossoms blooming now, has to feel so good.


  12. What a wonderful finish over your weekend - looks great!

  13. I love the orphan block top. You are really rolling through quilts this year!

  14. You have gotten a lot done!! Your orphan quilt top looks terrific! You would think it was planned from how great it turned out. I like your plaid quilt also and that pattern - just may have to try that some day. Your machine stitched binding looks great also. Do you use a walking foot or have an even-feed foot on your machine that you use?

  15. I just love flannel quilts and those flowers are pretty special too

  16. Lots done, indeed! I love the orphan block quilt, it really came together well.


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