
Sunday, February 14, 2016

First February finish.............

Stars and 16 patches, for lack of a better name, is finished.  I made the top from 2 piles of blocks that happened to be the same size.  The 16 patches were leftover from another quilt and the stars were mindless night sewing.  I finished the top in Nov. 2013.  It is approximately 56" x 70" so a nice size couch quilt.
The backing is an older Phil Jacobs fabric, Ivy.  I am so happy I decided on the green binding.

This is where I am on the Trip Around the World.  Yesterday I showed 9 vertical rows were sewn.  Now there are 29 sewn and 18 to go.

I like the red/pink area a lot.

 I received 2 Valentines in the mail this year.  The top one is from my great-grandson, age 2.

The second one is from one of my blogging buddies.  It is so neat!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.  

We're expecting a snow storm in the Chicago area today.  I hope it doesn't turn out to be a big one.  Just one more day until my program for the quilt guild.  

 For the local people, here is the information: the Fair City Quilters meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Monday February 15th at the Federated Church, 403 N. Main St. in Sandwich. Guest fee is $5.  The last time I gave a program for them was 4 years ago so this trunk show will be the quilts I have made since 2012.  I plan on taking at least 75 finished quilts and tops.



  1. Stars and 16 patches is wonderful. The colors are so rich!
    And your Trip Around the World..... Wow!!

  2. I love your tra and 16 patch! I agree on the green binding. Perfect! And that trip around the ord quilt. Wow! Wish I were close enough to tanks class from you some time.

  3. The stars are so exciting to see. Amazing what you put together with leftovers.

  4. The stars quilt is gorgeous! Congratulations on a great finish. Happy Valentine's Day.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day and oh, how I wish I could pop in for your trunk show!

    Thanks foe sharing such gorgeous colors in your post on what is a very dreary cold gray day here.

  6. Just love that star quilt - both the border and binding fabrics are perfection. Good luck with your trunk show. 75 quilts???! What a treat!

  7. Love the stars and 16 patch quilt!! What a wonderful quilt to post on Valentine's Day!! I agree with everyone else that the green was a perfect choice for the binding...
    Your Trip Around the World is looking great! Love all the colors....
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hope the weather cooperates so you won't have any problem getting to the trunk show...wish I were near enough to attend...sounds like it going to be great!!
    Sandra B

  8. So very pretty, and I love you're valentines, very creative.

  9. Oh, I do like that stars and sixteen patches quilt! Intense colors just make me happy, and you've done such a beautiful job of making them shine. As always.
    Happy Valentine's Day! <3

  10. I love it! How about Star Gazing as a name?

  11. Only just catching up on posts - love the TAW you always ale such beautiful ones! Lovely Stars and 16 patch also. Hope you have a lovely evening with your trunk show and wish I could hop over from New Zealand!

  12. What lovely Valentines you received! Your February finish is wonderful.

    I hope you don't get too much snow. I hear it is suppose to be really cold too.

  13. I love the variety of piecing in the stars. Beautiful quilt.

  14. Such beautiful colours and what a great scrap projects they would make - very inspriring

  15. Congratulations on your first Feb. finish. It turned out beautiful! The TAW quilt is wonderful.

  16. Fabulous start to February! A perfect Valentine's quilt, such great reds.

  17. How sweet your valentine was from Jackson ! And the one from your friend, is just plain fun !
    Plus your Zig ~ Zag piece is indeed another show piece. Can you tell I am catching up again today ?



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