
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Miscellany day.....

I trimmed the spiky border sections that I pieced Friday night.  I still need to cut a few more and get all of the rest sewn.

I played with my Kaffe orphan blocks on a double design wall.

I think these 3 orphan blocks would make a good table runner.

I was looking through my huge bins of batting pieces.  I decided to sort them into 2 groups, under 22" wide and over 23" wide.  The boxes are lightweight so I can put them up on top of 2 shelf units.

This is how I label the pieces.  I just staple it onto a corner.

I also pieced the back for this quilt and got it loaded on the longarm.  Since it is small it should only take about an hour to quilt and hopefully that will happen today.



  1. I always like how you long arm some of your quilts in an hour or so and do not quilt them death as I like to say. In your quilts the piecing & color is what draws the eye to it not the quilting - in some the quilting (IMO) overtakes the quilt too much and you no longer notice the pattern of the quilt.

  2. You are such a source of good ideas! I usually pin the batting measurement and then stick myself with the pins. Stapling is a much better way.

  3. The spiky piecing looks the mix of colors you decided on.
    All those H blocks would make a good runner too.

  4. I need to go through my batting and get them sized also. I have several pieces in a tub, but it would make it easier. I also need to measure backs I have bought to make sure of that amount also. Chris

  5. I am always amazed at your productivity in a day. I would spend way more time playing with the orphan blocks and never making a decision.

  6. Good idea to size the batting pieces. I just throw them in a bag and when I'm looking for pieces I have to refold them all the time.
    Thanks for the tip.

  7. I do the same with my batting, but I also keep a written inventory. I assign each piece a number and cross it off the list when I retrieve it and use it. That way I know exactly if I have a piece that will fit before I even open up the box.

  8. Wow your Medallion is looking stunning - I am waiting on the book from the gallery in Wellington.

  9. You do have a lot of projects going on! I have quite a pile of batting pieces too. Whenever I have smaller quilts to finish I will dig thru the pile until I get a couple of pieces that I can sew together to make them big enough. I can see how putting the sizes on each piece would help you since you make a lot of table runners.

  10. Such a logical idea regarding the batting pieces. I just sorted mine last night. I will go back and measure them tonight while it's still fresh on my mind.

  11. I like looking at all the projects you are working on. It does help to do more than one to keep the interest up. Great idea to label the size on the batting.

  12. I LOVE the Medallion piece. Your design wall must be art in itself.


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