
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Back in the kitchen.......

As I was getting to put away my cookie press I saw the recipe for gingerbread cookies.  I know I made it one other year but couldn't remember if I liked them or not.  I decided to make a batch.  I have the super size tube and discs so I made some big gingerbread men.  That is big in comparison to the regular size Spritz cookies.  They are good so I'll have to make them again sometime.

I ate the last bowl of chili from the freezer on Tues. night so I made a big batch again.  Now I'll have 5 bowls full in the freezer again.

I mixed the Kringla dough in the morning and then baked them last night.  I gave the recipe for them back in 2011.  If you missed it here it is again.


  1. Lots of delicious baking there..
    Have a wonderful Christmas Day..

  2. it is nice to just reach into the freezer for a bowl of chili! looks like you have your baking done and it looks good! Have a Merry Christmas

  3. Thanks for All you share and inspire.
    Wishing you and family a Merry Christmas.

  4. I have never made gingerbread. I found chocolate covered gingerbread hearts with apricot filling at Aldi's (store.) They are a product of Germany and taste just like some a German friend shared with me. (Her mother sent a "care package.")

    I often make a crockpot of stew and freeze what I won't eat in two days. it is great to have it in the freezer ready to grab for a quick meal.

  5. Your house must smell incredible! I don't know what kringla is. Have a wonderful holiday season!

  6. Chili looks so good. I'm doing shortbread cookies today and a pumpkin cake. I'm eager for the smells of baking. Thank you
    For your blog. It's inspiring. Merry Christmas.

  7. Here's to the joy of making ... Christmas hugs to you!!


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