
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Old and new.......

One of my friends and I bought the Farm Girl Vintage book at the quilt show we went to a couple weeks ago.  We decided we would do 2 blocks each time we get together and we alternate who chooses the blocks.  I chose the first 2 blocks and my blocks are on the left, my friend's on the right.
Later in the afternoon I started designing half blocks for my other quilt.  I started with the one on point and realized I needed to do them straight.  It is a lot harder to design a half block than a whole one.


  1. Your chicken are cute. Funny how things seem easy until you have to start working on them. I have been in that spot before to. Chris

  2. I would have guessed you made the ones on the right!!!! These are a bit of a departure for you... these days. Half and Quarter blocks are some of the hardest... to design... because of the missing parts!!! Feels a little off balance! Me not much in the sewing space again....

  3. Half blocks ARE more challenging -- FUN chicken blocks!!

  4. Those are some fun farm chicks!!

  5. Love the chicken blocks… fun to do a challenge with a quilting friend!

  6. I just bought the book as well and have chosen fabric from my stash and will start a monthly group this next month. So excited. Love your chickens.

  7. The chicken blocks are a departure! I received my purple fabrics from you yesterday. Thanks so much! LC in Richardson

  8. Cute blocks! This book is on my list : )

  9. Oh, boy, chickens! Hard to go wrong with that choice. How nice to have like minded friends to join you in sewing sometimes.

  10. I love the wings on your chicken.

    I am so sad I missed your batik sale last week (we were away).


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