
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sewing and trimming.......

I wasn't home most of the day yesterday so last night I finished the 2 crazy pieced blocks I showed on my machine yesterday.  Here they are with 2 that I finished a couple nights ago.

I trimmed all of the blocks to 8.5".

I will save the larger trimmings to use in future blocks.

I put the new blocks up on the wall with the previously made blocks.  I have a long way to go on this one.

Today is the party with my high school classmates to celebrate the fact that we will all turn 75 this year.  My birthday is late in the year so I'm one of the youngest in the class.


  1. I love these blocks - am anxious to see what you do with them. It's kind of nice to be one of the younger ones, isn't it? :)

  2. Enjoy the party and congratulations on a milestone :)

  3. What a fun idea for classmates. I recently attended our 50th year class reunion. Sooo much fun. These blocks are wild. Enjoy.

  4. have fun with your old classmates, I had a invite to my 45th reunion - I have never gone and won't now, I have never been in touch with any of them since I graduated and none with me - I was amazed to get the invitation to say the least. Needless to say it was not happy times for me and envy those that had a great school experience.

  5. the birthday gathering is one our class is planning - we are babies just had our 40th reunion and will turn 60 in 2 years so we are all thinking that will be another great time to gather. funny, we found out we really like each other a lot more now than back then.... by the way your blue blocks are amazing....makes me want to pull out fabric and play

  6. I think it is so neat that you have kept up with your classmates. Have a great time at your party.

  7. Right now my life is too busy to start a new project, but I find these blocks so inspiring!

  8. Those blocks are coming along wonderfully! Have a great time at the party!

  9. I love your blue blocks, waiting to see how this quilt comes along. Have fun at your party.

  10. The blocks all together on your design wall just make me smile. What a happy quilt this will be! And isn't it nice to be the youngest? I don't get that too often any more. ;)

  11. so pretty...amazing what scrappy can do!

  12. To have friends from all those years ago is wonderful. I am 75, and so is a dear friend, we began at a new High School together in 1954!!! I read yours and other blogs and sometimes have no idea of anyone's age. Your energy is amazing, and just to see your ideas, your designs, and then the output is staggering. Enjoy your reunion together .

  13. Enjoy your party! Your fabrics are beautiful in these blocks, I love batiks especially the fact that they don't fray!

  14. Those blocks look beautiful together.

    It will be great to get together with the others to celebrate a big birthday. It's great to be the baby in the group!!!

  15. Have I told you lately how much I love your blocks In this style? And how very, very cool that you and your classmates have a party each year-enjoy!

  16. Congratulations on 75 and the reunion! You are a very youthful 75! Keeping busy doing what you love seems to be the recipe! I continue to enjoy stopping by every day- I always learn something.
    Donna B.

  17. What a great way to use up some scraps! Always nice to see what you are working on!

  18. Wanda, I am calling these blocks, Wonky Works with Wanda, because I feel it's so appropriate. Hope you had a wonderful time yesterday.


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