
Monday, June 15, 2015

Still cleaning...........

While continuing to clean off tables and put things away this box caught my eye.  It is full of 4.5" and 2.5" strips.  I guess I was preparing for another double 4 patch there too.

The cookies are baked and the art quilters are coming.  We got 1.75" of rain overnight Sat. night and on Sunday morning.  That is over 3" so far and more rain predicted.  Luckily there are breaks between storms and lots of sunshine.


  1. Being prepared is good, but to find it again is a blessing. You are ready to start sewing. Have fun with your group today. Chris

  2. I love to clean and find things like this box of strips. Of course, sometimes I start playing with what I found and the cleaning stops.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in NC. It is so humid here! I went out last evening to kill some weeds and got attacked by mosquitoes. They are terrible this year with all the humidity and rain. Have fun with the art quilters tonight!

  4. looks like you have a lot of strips to play with - now that I am getting caught up on some of my quilts I will need to get my box of strips out to play with one day - I have so many strips - my Granny Squares that I am quilting now were made completely out of my 2.5 inch strip box and I barely made a dent in them. Have fun with your quilt group.

  5. I love your blog it gives me inspiration. I'm wanting to make a color wash background. Don't know where to start. I have several batik jelly rolls...could those be used for the color wash teqnique? I'm want to make a background fabric for a retreat I'm attending in July. Your comment is appreciated...Cindy

  6. Can you send some rain our way???? Enjoy the quilters today.

  7. Glad I'm not the only one who finds these things around her house! My memory isn't what it used to be, so I've started leaving notes with the projects I bag up so I at least know what I was thinking when I put them in there!

  8. Seeing your box reminds me that we had a power cut on Saturday for over 12 hours, so I spent the time wisely cutting a big pile of 2.5" strips myself, over 4 hours worth :p

  9. You can just start right in on that other quilt then! Nice!


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