
Friday, June 12, 2015

Looking for matching fabrics....

As I search for the fabrics matching the sewn strips so I can cut the 4.5" squares I'm thinking that maybe I was going to make some 16 patches to mix into the quilt.  If I don't find any more matching fabrics I'll just go to the stash and cut more fabric.
This is at the waiting area for our gate at the Asheville NC airport.  I don't think we'll ever see rocking chairs at the Chicago airports.

I have the yellow primroses in all of my gardens and they are all blooming now.  

The flowers in the pots are filling in too.

The tomato plants grew a lot in the 3 hot days I was gone.  Now it has cooled down a little and we got some rain.

I need to download the photos from my phone and then I can show you the alpacas.


  1. Wow, your tomato plants look great.
    I like the idea of adding a few 16 patches to the 4-patch quilt.

  2. Rocking chairs at the airport? Wow, that is neat! :) Your flowers are really looking nice. And this will be a neat quilt.

  3. love those rocking chairs - it seems like some of the smaller airports design lounge areas of comfort that are rather unique - the Madison WI airport has loungers and couches in several areas with foot stools - it was so comfy compared to any other airport I have been in - Chicago airport on the other hand LOL - I was there for awhile and was wishing I had a lounger from Madison back in March when I was there.

  4. Isn't it amazing how much growth goes on in the garden with three warm days?

    I love those rockers. I doubt we will see them at LAX anytime soon either.

  5. Love the rocking chairs . . . no way will Memphis ever have those.

  6. What a great idea to have rocking chairs in the waiting area! At least you would feel like you're moving. Your flowers look wonderful. And an abundant stash of fabric is a joy forever (at least as long as it is organized!). Isn't it fun to change plans mid-project and know you have the means necessary to make it work!

  7. At the risk of repeating what several have already noted, I LOVE THE ROCKING CHAIRS! Makes far too much sense.

  8. Me too on the rocking chairs... one of the great things about the Carolina's. They have them in almost every airport. Thanks for the reminder - it is good to slow down!


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