
Monday, June 8, 2015

Double 4 patch start........

I had to look back at some Double 4 patch quilts I made in the past to remember there were both light and dark blocks.  I cut more of the strip sets into 4 patch units and cut a couple more strips from which to cut the squares.  It isn't very pretty yet as some of the warmer tones are missing so far.
The primroses by the sidewalk are blooming now as well as the spirea bushes.

I am happy I mowed the grass Friday since it has been getting more humid and we got .65" of rain yesterday.  It is supposed to be in the 80s all week so I hope it cools off by the time I need to mow again.


  1. Looks like things ae blooming well for you. Doesn't it amaze you how easy it is to look back in our photos to find out what we were doing. I really enjoy that part of blogging and sewing together. Chris

  2. I love the contrast between the quilts and the garden. It's suppose to be 91 here in Helena, MT today which is pretty unusual. Most of us don't have AC, so should be interesting.

  3. Saturday the weather was perfect and I was able to turn off the A/C and open the windows. Sunday it got muggy again so the A/C came back on. I really like the double four patch. I can see a lot of possibilities with that block!

  4. Love the quilt blocks and pattern, this is something I could do. Your garden is looking good, I don't have any of primrose at all. We had rain all night long and everything is very lush and green, good for our flowers, but not too great if you need to cut grass.

  5. So far this doesn't look exuberant so I'm anxious to follow your progress! I know you have some luscious colors planned.
    Living in dry, dry California rain is a dream at this point. We don't expect any until at least October. Enjoy your beautiful flowers!


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