
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

First May finish..........

While my 2 friends were here yesterday I finished quilting this wallhanging and sewed the binding on. Last night I did the hand sewing on the binding and hanging sleeve.  It is 40.5" x 40".

The binding is a black and white stripe made of dashes.

I am really feeling lost and indecisive without my triangle project.  It is the journey that I love the most: the process of choosing fabrics as I go and cutting and piecing little by little, experimenting with fabrics and finding out if they are going to work.  The end product is nice but the process is wonderful.  When the process is over, the last seam sewn, it is like I have lost a good friend.  I can visit the quilt top and enjoy it, but I miss the journey.  I hope my next project will be as much fun.

I counted fabrics in it last night and there are 100 different fabrics with 2 repeats.  I didn't have to go shopping, the stash was there for me to play with. Here are 2 collages of the quilt progress.
Here is the post with the inspiration for this quilt.


  1. Love the collage photo to show your full process of working out the design. Your love of the journey/process is what makes each of your creations so special. They are a joy to study in your use of color. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I understand that let down feeling. It happens to me too after a big finish. Congratulations on a finish!

  3. Wanda, I feel the same way about the journey. Following you on your journey is almost as good as being on one of mine.
    I must say I didn't care for this quilt top in the beginning but LOVE the final quilt top. You had a vision that I couldn't see until the end.

  4. It is just so cool to see the progress in one post! If only it was as easy as it looks!

  5. Really neat to see the whole process and how it came together! And I love the wall hanging that you finished.

  6. Love the wall hanging! Will you be quilting the triangle quilt soon? I hope you figure out what to do next. I know that feeling of being lost. I have my UFO list hanging near my studio and have now made a list of new quilts I need to make on the notes app on my iPhone. That gives me two places I can go to when I don't know what to do next. I know you will find your way soon!

  7. I know that lost feeling after putting the last stitch into something. I have enjoyed watching you put this together and will miss seeing what new progress you have made on it. It really sparkles! You will find something new to inspire you I am sure. From your work you must have an endless stash to play with.

  8. I can well imagine the lost feeling you are having now, but I figure you are already thinking of what to make next. The triangle quilt was fabulous, and we all loved the process.

  9. I understand that feeling as well, but there are times when I'm just glad it's over, especially when facing a quilt show entry deadline. One lady in our guild finished all her projects before the year 2000 rolled in with all it's uncertainty about computers, etc, and when the new year started she didn't know what to work on. I always have something waiting in the wings.When a quilt is finished it can be a feeling of contentment and accomplishment. I also like the journey of picking fabric and piecing, but the quilting is the hardest, as I'm usually a domestic machine straight line quilter, and I'm not a accurate as I used to be.

  10. I feel the same way when I finish a big project. I usually have to clean up for a couple of days to get my groove back. Love the wall hanging!

  11. I absolutely agree with your comments about the journey. I, too, get much more joy from the making of a quilt than owning it. After about 15 years of quilting, I have kept about 6 quilts. Once a quilt is done, it is time for it to find its home- with a friend or a charity.
    I do hope you keep you latest quilt because it is a triumph if color and design.


  12. I feel validated after reading your words about feeling lost after finishing a quilt. Silly me thought I was alone in this!
    You accomplish so much and are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilts!

  13. I hope you find a new large project soon. I love it when you start one, then post photos daily - something I look forward to seeing every day and seeing how your thought processes are ticking along and also enjoy the end result :)

  14. Love the wall hanging! Everything about it.
    Your triangle quilt is awesome! One of your best efforts in my opinion. One of my very favorites. A wonderful piece of art! I soooooo love watching your art quilts come together. Thank you for sharing the process of each one.
    My favorite part of making a quilt is taking it out of the dryer after a go in the washing machine. I look at it, hug it, lay it out on the sofa so I can look at for a few days or so ... and move on to my next quilt.

  15. I love how you share your process and completely agree about what happens when the last seam is sewn. My favorite parts of quilting are the design process and pulling all the fabrics! It's a high like none other.

  16. What a great finish. I like that when you post a finish, it really is finished, quilted, bound, sleeve on. A true finish. OK now for the 1/2 sq quilt, I think it has moved to the top of my favorites of all your pieces, and since you have so many amazing ones, that is a hard list to top!

  17. In many cases, I delay the binding process because I don't want a quilt to be "finished" . . . I, too, love the process.

  18. Thanks for posting the step by step pictures of the triangle quilt. I've enjoyed watching your progress and the end result is stunning!

  19. A fine finish, indeed. And I understand the "mourning" over the triangle project. Thanks for providing a photographic recap of the progress. I keep assembled flimsies (or finished quilts) up for a couple of days and just gloat.

  20. I totally understand that lost feeling. Sometimes after I finish a big project I feel almost like I've lost a friend! But knowing you, you'll be soon making another spectacular project.

  21. Oh, how neat! Thank you for posting the collages of progress. It is so interesting and exciting when you get an idea and run with it. And yes, quite a let down when it's over. The really good thing is that I have every confidence you will have another just as exciting soon! Can't wait to see.

  22. Love your collages. I think I know what you mean about the journey. For me choosing fabrics and a pattern are so fun. If things are going well, the rest is, too. Really beautiful shimmer quilt. I need a tutorial now on making collages.

  23. I love your finish! Sorry you're feeling down about having finished the shimmering triangles. That says a lot about how intense the work on it has been for you. But the final result clearly pays off. It outshines all of the pictures/samples which inspired you - by far. You are truly blessed with an amazing sense of color, and it's a joy to watch you work your magic time upon time.

  24. An incredible quilt... just gorgeous!
    I know what you mean about feeling lost after finishing a large project that you love.


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