
Saturday, May 23, 2015

32 blocks............

I have 32 sixteen patch blocks sewn and now that I see them on the wall I know I want to make some more lighter ones.  I also see I have the top right block and third one in on the bottom row turned wrong.  I have 32 more identical blocks to sew too.

A second peony bush has a flower almost opened.  There are lots of big fat buds ready to pop.  I have about 30 peony bushes in the back yard and 2 in the front garden.  There were 43 bushes in the back yard when I moved here 43 years ago.


  1. The blocks that are "turned wrong" could be used to create a woven effect if the darks were the same fabrics.

  2. I love peonies but I need to dig mine up and replant - it is not doing well in it's location do you put little cages around yours or anything to make them stand up better so they do not get beaten down by the rain? I have seen some that do that.
    Love the quilt blocks

  3. I agree with Gene Black, regarding creating a woven effect. Even if the darks aren't identical.

    Maybe try turning every other one 90 degrees while you still have a manageable number of them, and just take a look? It might be an interesting thing to try.


  4. The blocks are beautiful, and I agree that adding a few lighter ones will make it sparkle even more.

  5. That peony is magnificent. How lucky that someone had already established so many on your property. Isn't it interesting to think of the you that was there 43 years ago, not knowing all the things ahead of her that you know now. I think it would be wonderful to have the same house for that long, unless the neighborhood went really downhill, then maybe not so much :) but to be established one place your whole life sounds great :) you and your peonies have known each other for a long time!

  6. Beautiful 16 patches! My tree peonies are blooming- one is deep magenta and the other your pink. My herbaceous peonies are still just buds with ants that my granddaughter loves to pick off. I have been here 32 years and there was nothing growing here but weeds.

  7. Does yours get that fungus on the leaves aft Dr the have bloomed?

  8. Such lovely batik 16 patch blocks- I do love these quilts. Also love your peony and wish we could grow them here in Auckland NZ. They grow well in the colder climate of the South Island but we're a bit too humid for them.


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