
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Very Little Sewing.........

It was another beautiful day to work outside yesterday.  I dug out about a dozen big Burdock plants behind my bushes in the front garden.  I call them weeds but when I looked them up on the internet they say they are edible.  I also mowed the front yard for the first time this spring.  The grass in the backyard is much shorter so it can wait until next week.  I broke all of the dead branches off my Barberry bushes too and have the scratches to prove it. 

 I only sewed those 4 little triangle units. I have had a lot of inquiries lately where my quilts and quilt tops can be purchased so I spent some time loading items for sale to my blogshop Wandaful Quilts.  Hopefully I will be adding some fabrics to the shop next week too.


  1. I love the color of the barberry bush but hated when I had them. The clean up is like having an operation on your arms and hands. lol I love all the quilts your are selling. Also great to see that you have priced them as they should be priced. So many people seem to give away their quilts, never thinking about the hours put in it plus the cost of the fabrics. Enjoy the day as rain is coming. I am trying another way to list this, see if this one comes through.

  2. You are wise to take advantage of the good weather and it sounds like you got a lot done. Hopefully, you can return to your quilting projects today.

  3. We have a non alcoholic drink here in England/UK called 'Dandelion & Burdock' - I used to drink it a lot when I was younger - it was sold in large bottles, like fizzy lemonade and fizzy orange juice, but nowadays I think it's more of a novelty drink and comes in small cans & bottles.
    Love all the quilts you are selling - hope you sell them all so you can buy more beautiful fabric :)

  4. I love the look of Barberry bushes but I hate having to deal with them.

  5. We ate burdock when I was a kid. I remember hearing from "the old timers" that you had to "harvest" it before Father's Day.

  6. Dear Wanda: I am unable to connect to your email (technically challenged). I would like to purchase one of your quilts just listed but do not know how to proceed. Could you reply? Thank you.

  7. povertybaykwilter, did you click on the red email link in the post?

  8. I've enjoyed seeing your quilt tops for sale. I have a pretty firm rule that I don't buy quilts, because I make them. Or things could really get out of hand! But if I was in the market, yours would be high on my list. I'll be interested to see what fabric you put up - not that I need any, LOL.


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