
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Triangle progress and garden walk.......

I got three more columns sewn onto the 4 that were already sewn.  I'm a little past the half way point if I'm going to stop at 96".  I'm building it sideways on the design wall.  The left edge right now is either the top or the bottom edge of the finished top.  I sewed 3 cross seams leaving the last inch unsewn so I can add on the next columns.  I figured it would have more stability so I can move it when the art quilters come next Monday.
First stop on the garden tour is the inside garden.  When I moved the cacti last week I found a bud on this plant and it bloomed in time for the shower.

I can see 2 batches of tulips from my front windows.  The yellow ones were just a little past their prime so I didn't take a photo of them.  I think I will cut some of these for a bouquet today.

This is one of 2 batches of purple tulips around the side of my house.  I only see them if I walk around the yard.  I will cut these for my bouquet too.

This is the last group around the side of the house.  Only one has opened a little so I can tell what color they are.  These tulips were here when I moved her 43 years ago and some years I have one flower and other years, lots of flowers. 


  1. Nothing is in bloom yet here. In fact woke up to frost again this morning. We didn't cover anything so hopefully it didn't catch anything. I see it on buildings. Will have to go out and water to see if it did get anything. You are making good headway on your quilt. Anxious to see the whole thing. Chris

  2. Our tulips are popping open this week, too.

  3. Love the Shimmer triangles. Hope my tulips will open this week. Love the coral ones. I have been painting tulips in anticipation.

  4. love that quilt and the colors. I love tulips but do not have any - are all of your tulips from old bulbs?

  5. The quilt is so pretty! I wish I could have tulips in my garden, but the deer eat them.

  6. your photos remind me just how much I love tulips. I was thinking earlier this morning of making some flower beds. Tulips would be perfect.

  7. I wish I had some of the 43 year old tulips ! Mine don't seem to last very long and someone suggested the squirrels eat the bulbs, yours must be planted very deep. Our tulips down south here are still blooming but not many, most have already done their beauty. We have lilacs in full bloom though and I love them, love their smell.

  8. Tulips don't do well in my garden. No idea why not. Maybe the soil. My garden and the whole town of Sparta smells orange blossom. Lovely!

  9. I like how that quilt is coming along and your tulips are gorgeous! We can grow them here, but only for one year. It's just too hot for them to come back.

  10. This quilt looks just like a painter's pallet to me! I love how they all blend together! Beautiful tulips!

  11. Love, love, love it Wanda. And so nice to see tulips. Ours are still a few weeks away but it's nice to have hope :).


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