
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Machine quilting.........

I finished quilting the African 16 patch wallhanging and then quilted the yellow and orange sections on this wallhanging.  That is 2 out of 9 color blocks.  I have the white quilted all the way around the edge of the quilt but need to do the center area yet.
One of my baby cacti is blooming.  I never know what color they are because they are from the pieces that fall off the big plants.  Sometimes they are knocked off by squirrels when the cacti are outside for the summer.
Here is the rest of the collection of babies, with the sunlight coming through the mini blinds and making them look striped.  I don't know what color any of these are so I hope they bloom in the fall.


  1. Really love those mix of Black and Whites! I keep trying to collect them. Finally, a few of my cactus are blooming. The winter took a toll on them, they can't wait to go outside but that is a long way off.

  2. I think it is fun to get 'surprise' colors in flowers.

  3. My white cactus is still blooming. I have really enjoyed it. Thanks for getting me inspired to try my hand at growing it.

  4. This is one of my favorite quilts you have made and love the colors!
    We were in Elkhorn when the tornado paid a visit on Thursday, so spent some time in the basement, although we never lost power and was there wasn't any damage, thank God. I've been looking at some of the videos of the one in Rochelle that touched down and thanked God thee was only 1 death from that category 4 twister.

  5. this quilt pictured has to be my all time favorite one that you have made--loving that white with black backgrounds...hugs Julierose

  6. No wonder you have so many cacti. I guess I will have to watch for "drops."

  7. I had almost forgotten about these lovely quilts of yours, the lantern shapes, and certainly forgotten that they hadn't been quilted. I'm glad you remembered - LOL! It's nice to see close-up how much is actually going on in the "white" background fabrics. I've recently become quite enamored with fabrics like that, also shirtings and other neutral prints, and started picking up and using more of them.

  8. You take such good care of your babies. I just toss out my dropped ones.


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