
Friday, March 6, 2015

Sewn together........

I think I have just made my first watermelon quilt.  That's how it looks in a photo anyway.  The fabric I thought might look good as a border was too busy so it will go on the back.  I didn't measure this but it should be about 54" x 68".

At the sew in yesterday I got another flannel quilt top sewn all in one direction and pressed the seams when I got home.  I'll probably save it to sew the seams in the other direction at the next sew in.

Thank you everyone for your comments yesterday and all of the personal emails.  I don't know about achieving another 3000 blog posts but I will definitely keep posting every day as long as I can, hopefully several more years.


  1. Very beautiful. I always love you colors.

  2. You mean I have missed so many posts? I've only been following you for a few months and thank you for all the inspiration. I do, however, wonder how you do so much. People say that I do slots but it pales into insignificance compared to you. I only wish I could take one of your classes for real.
    Love this latest vibrant finish.
    Jo x

  3. I looked at my numbers yesterday after I read you had 3000 and I thought to my self I need to do better. Congrats on the accomplishments. But you amaze me in all the sewing you get done too. Watermelon is and interesting name, but it fits. Chris

  4. Your juicy watermelon colors remind me of summer. I can hardly remember it. It is 0 this morning. Leaving for a quilt retreat in a couple of hours, so I will be surrounded by quilters colors.

  5. This might have to be finished for you sofa next winter, as a reminder that summer is coming! And a make (if you haven't already) a cool blue one for the summer for the same reminder... cooler weather is coming.

  6. Yes, I do believe you have made a watermelon quilt. It does look like summer to me also. And on this cold day a glimpse of summer is a joy.

  7. I love this juicy one! I think it is a sliced watermelon that you created. Great job and congrats on your milestone!

  8. This might be my favorite of your TAW quilts, but... I'm not sure. Would you consider doing a collage of all your TAWs sometime? It would be fun to see them all together. Just a thought.

    Congrats on 3000 posts! I wonder how many pieces of fabric you've cut, lol!


  9. Thanks for post 3001, and many more to come.
    I have learned from you that it is possible to make wonderful quilts without using incredibly complicated patterns. I used to feel that I would be an real quilter only when I could make quilts that had blocks with many pieces, inset seams, etc. Now, I happily sew using the basic shapes, and doubt I will ever use an inset seam or make a block with 40 pieces.

    Sally in Saint Paul

  10. That is the best looking watermelon quilt I have ever seen.

    I tried to leave a comment yesterday (3X) and I couldn't access the site. I guess you crashed it! Anyway...congratulations on your milestone. You have been and reamin a true inspiration to me. Your sense of color is amazing and your designs are always so fresh and exciting.

  11. I thought it would look Christmassy but it's much more Spring.

  12. Love your watermelon quilt. Makes me ready for summer on the farm! Congrats on your 3000, I look forward to your posts every day.

  13. Lovely "watermelon" quilt--I especially like those fabrics with large areas of white in the background setting it off. they can be difficult to find around here--most fabrics I see are mainly heavily textured...I like flowers scattered on white a lot. Hugs, Julierose

  14. I can't believe that for somebody who is not a big fan of green how much I LOVE the colours in this quilt - you always manage to get the right colours flowing together to create your unique looking TAW's - and congrats on your 3001 posts; I hope I get to read many many more :) :)

  15. This is really delightful & looks like summer!! Congrats on 3000 posts & know you will making many more quilts to post in the future. You touch a lot of people through blogging---always upbeat & colorfully amazing!! Thanks

  16. OMG 3001posts ! Plus you have shared so very much with all your followers with every post. You are 'exuberant' !

    Before I even read what you named your piece I thought Watermelon. And repeating what others have said, "it is delicious". Every one always loves the heart of the watermelon and I can see the heart in this quilt.


  17. Hi Wanda! A lady mentioned above that her favorite quilt was this one. I think it's beautiful but my favorite quilt you have shown was the one that was all blues and greens fairly recently. Ithink several of my comments haven't gone through to you and one of them was the one in reaction to that quilt. I love blues and greens and the way you put them together in that quilt was a revelation of what my favorite color combination can be. I really loved the quilt and hated it when I got the little message saying it didn't post or whatever.
    Anyway, in this quilt I really appreciate the row that is second to last in the reds. It has blue in it and maybe some other colors. To me, it adds so much interest to the progression of reds and I know I wouldn't have thought to put it in there. Well, before studying your quilt that is :) you are certainly a master of your craft!


  18. It's much more sophisticated than a watermelon quilt!frosa

  19. Well, it's the prettiest watermelon I've seen! Sorry I missed your 3000th post, but I will add my gratitude to all the others. I'm just so thankful for your lovely posts day after day, even if I don't comment on them all!

  20. Wonderful, wonderful quilt and the colours are just so like a watermelon.


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