
Monday, February 9, 2015

Still auditioning........

I made more double 4 patch blocks and then decided to see if there was any other fabric i wanted to try in the alternate blocks.  I really want to use this teapot fabric in something.  I notice in the photo that it is a one way design and I have 2 blocks turned the wrong way.  I'll continue making blocks and auditioning fabrics and the answer will come some day.


  1. The teapots were one of the first things I noticed! They are super cute. And, as usual, I love all that color!
    Magistra13 at yahoo dot com


    I notice you have at least two die-hard Beth fans :)

  2. I like the combination of the 4 patches with the 16s. It gives your eye a place to settle on. I love the teapots...they work well even on their I always seem to turn a directional fabric the wrong way.

  3. directional fabric is always so hard to use. The colors, however, look great with the blocks.

  4. I had to look twice to see the teapot fabric. I thought the entire piece was 16 patch blocks! I have some pastel floral 16 patch blocks I started some time ago. I will have to move them up to the top the UFO pile after seeing how beautiful your top is coming along!

  5. FWIW - I love that orange print. (But I also love a 16-patch quilt without alternating blocks...)

  6. I visit your blog often. It really should come with a warning label. "drool alert, get yourself a hanky before proceeding further" I drool all over my keyboard each time I visit and get excited by all the pretty colors.

    Anyway, I wanted to email you but my computer won't let me use your email link. Just wanted to let you know some spam is showing up in your comments. I saw them as I looked at your posts then read some comments. One that I remember off the top of my head is the January 2 post comments. The last one at the bottom. I recognize the spam because stuff like it shows up on my blog frequently. I can give you my email estesanita at bellsouth dot net just in case your computer won't let you email me either.

  7. The teapots made me smile - they are fun!

  8. Yes - the possibilities are endless! Love the teapots for their whimsy!

  9. I come to your site for inspiration and color and to be uplifted from the rut of same-old, a break from my day job that puts a smile on my face. Thanks!


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