
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Something new........

This is the first set of 12 Kaffe 16 patch blocks that I made.  I am using 3" strips so I'm only getting one block out of 2 strips sewn together but I also get 2 four patches.  I might try some double 4 patch blocks with these.

The next 8 blocks haven't been pressed yet.

I'm also contemplating alternating them with a large print but probably not this print.  My first set of blocks are predominantly blue and green and high contrast between the 2 fabrics.  I will have a lot more low contrast blocks as I continue.

Last night I went to see "The Imitation Game" at our local theater.  I was a very small child at the time of WWII and my parents didn't talk about the war so as I see movies about it I realize how devastating it was.   History class in high school in the 1950s didn't prepare me for the destruction shown in the movies either. This movie is based on a true story; a rather amazing story.


  1. I watch a lot of the PBS history programs and it was so destructive. Your blocks are very vibrant. Makes me think I have some 16-patch blocks laying in the drawer. Have to get them out and see what I can come up with them. Have fun with them. Chris

  2. Oh.... I have the itch to stitch!!! and to turn the nicely 'neatened space' into chaos again!!! Ok, just a little mess. I have a challenge project to work on. So, glad the big print rose is not the ONE. The colors are too flat.

  3. Just love the 16 patch. Love the colors and variety. It is going to be stunning. I just finished a simple 16 patch that I have to get upon my blog.

  4. Like the 3" strips -- allows more of the fabric to show and reduces a bit of the "fussiness" in making ...

  5. I had an uncle that was held prisoner of war for just about the whole war by the Japanese and went through the Bataan Death March - he survived the war - my father said once that his brother sat down and told them all about his horrifying experiences in the prison camps one time when he arrived back home and then said he would never mention it again and as far as I know he never did.

  6. I love how those blocks look alternated with the large print!

  7. My deceased husband was born in 1932 in London. He lived through the bombings and was sent for a short time to northern England. His Aunt was so distressed by the bombings that she committed suicide. He learned to take the unexploded bombs apart and make firecrackers. His stories were unbelievable. They had food shortages into the 1950's in England. And I do love your Kaffe quilt top.

  8. Beautiful colors and prints. 16-patch blocks are my favorite.
    I'll have to catch that movie.

  9. I've never done anything with 16-patch blocks but I'm loving this. Will you ever do anything I don't love, I'm wondering? I would've never dreamt of combining those very vibrant blocks with such lively print. But it looks great. There's a lot going on, but it doesn't look messy!

  10. Oh I do love these 16 patch blocks! I think KF fabrics look great cut up small or stripped and your setting with the larger blocks looks good too.

  11. Love the bright Kaffe fabrics Wanda.
    We saw the Imitation game over the holidays and absolutely loved it. I have become a big fan of Benedict Cumberbatch. We watched the British series- version of Sherlock Holmes and he was fabulous in it too.
    We hope to get to see The Theory of Everything with Eddie Redmayne who will probably win the Oscar for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking. I am sure that Redmayne will be a very deserving winner but Benedict was fabulous as Alan Turing. Hard to choose what makes someone the best.. The challenge of most artistic talents. What makes one quilt better than another? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder to some extent. I recognize that there is a level of expertise, technique applied that contributes to the quality of the workmanship but everything has an X factor that is hard to quantify.. I am blabbering on so... I have been writing school reports for too long this evening LOL Happy quilting.
    Warmest regards,

  12. Isn't it neat how such a simple block with such beautiful fabrics make such gorgeous quilts!! Makes me want to get some of my Kaffes out and stitch them up!


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