
Thursday, January 22, 2015

#8 finish for January..........

My plan was to finish a lot of the small pieces first this year to get the number of quilt tops reduced faster.  This piece is a little under 21" square and was finished last night. 

During the day yesterday I helped a friend baste a quilt on my big tables.  Lots of good conversation too.

This closeup shows the binding fabric better.

That is 8 finishes; 4 in the first 10 days, 4 in the next 11 days.  I'm hoping to finish 4 more in the last 10 days.  I have started a new project which I'll show tomorrow.


  1. That good conversation is welcomed when you live alone. Glad you are making such good progress with your quilts. Chris

  2. Finishes... give you a sense of completion...but starting gives you a sense of adventure!!! We'll all be waiting to see whats next!!!

  3. wow: fabulous definition you can get with that camera of yours! ... and congratulations on all the progress you're making!

  4. Do you do your binding on the bias or straight grain? Just curious.

  5. You are achieving your goal nicely. I am simply not that structures and/or motivated.

  6. Of course, I like this small one :) Congrats on the finishes. You are making room for many more new projects.

  7. You are going to need a vacation in February!

  8. Lovely quilt and I like your binding too. I am wondering what you do with such a pretty little quilt that small ?

  9. Lovely quilt and I like your binding too. I am wondering what you do with such a pretty little quilt that small ?

  10. Wanda, you are a quilting machine. Finishing a project always makes me feel so good. Great job on all the quilts you have completed this month, teaching classes , baking I don't think I could ever keep up to you,but you and your work are an inspiration to me.
    Thanks for all you do. Cant wait to see your new project.

  11. Congratulation on another finish!

  12. Love the colours! You did a lot of work in two weeks!!! I have to finish off some projects too!!

  13. Love the colours! You did a lot of work in two weeks!!! I have to finish off some projects too!!

  14. You are doing a great job on the finishes, Wanda. I should be so diligent!

  15. I like that one a lot, Wanda. I could just wander around in those fabrics for hours!

  16. I recognize a number of those fabrics. I hope it means what I think it means.


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