
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Presents wrapped, baking done...

It was a busy day yesterday getting everything done for the party which is this morning.  I had the presents already in the bag when I decided I should have taken a photo.  Instead I just made a collage of some of the cactus photos that I have shown previously.  Right now I have a red/orange and a pale pink in bloom.  There are buds on a few more.  I'm sure to have some blooms on Christmas.


  1. My cactus is done blooming for now. It was so overloaded As you said it would drop some off. Have a Good Time today. Chris

  2. I really love that pale pink flower on the cactus. My cactus are finished blooming now and are looking good. I remember my mother's cactus blooming on Christmas, it was so pretty and bright red, her favorite color.

  3. Mycacti have been lovely
    Sadly the pink one fell to bits, I know not why . It still has one stem so hopefully it will survive .
    I have searched for white but to no avail
    I think orange ones must be at the end of the rainbow

  4. Enjoy your time with family today. By the way
    loved the stocking.Only one of my cacti bloomed,
    guess I just don't have that green thumb.

  5. Love how Jackson's sock finished up. Just darling. Certainly a treasure to keep forever. Nice collage of your pretty blossom's of the past. Christmas family gatherings are the best.


  6. And here i am, reading email and blogs instead of finishing my wrapping!


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