
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Preparing another..........

A few days ago I found the perfect fabric in my stash for the back of this quilt.  I was going to use a Kaffe print but I like this one so well with the fabrics in the top.  Unfortunately my camera won't show you the pretty yellows.  It insists on dulling them into a beige.  I also found a piece of batting the right size, a Hobbs organic cotton with scrim.  It is the only piece of that type that I have on hand and it is exactly the right length.  I have the backing loaded on the longarm already but the top is just laying there folded.


  1. Surely is meant to be when the backing is the right colors and the batting the right size!

  2. Ah! thanks for a vision of spring on this grey day.

  3. The colors are showing up and the backing is just perfect! A great find! Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

  4. I have some of your Kaffe prints in the quilt and I think that backing is just perfect too.

  5. What a bright, lovely quilt-back and front!

  6. The yellows came through bright and exuberant on my screen. I have a "Mac" if that makes a difference or not I do not know. I agree the floral backing is perfect. Just as the one you featured yesterday. And Oh Wanda, your embroidered nativity scene is just beautiful. And your red, black 'n white TWA is stunning. I do not know how you accomplished so much during those last days before Christmas. But it sure was a treat to see it all this morning. I hoping to get back on track once again and keep up with you daily. JJM

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  10. I apologize Wanda ~ I do not know why my message was sent so many times. I tried to delete and Google is telling me I must reregister ? ? ? JJM

  11. Love the fabric in this. The backing is perfect.

  12. I thought of the song "Here Comes Summer" when I saw this photo, it really is a summery quilt, lovely.

  13. Yay! That is almost worth a party to celebrate. ;) It is so rare that everything falls in line like that. (For me anyway.) It really looks great together. You are really getting a lot done!

  14. Yet another Christmas miracle? I know you're happy to get this done in the nick of time before the end of the year! I too, thought the colors came through pretty well, but I know they aren't as good as live! Happy New Year.

  15. I love the bright colors! Good job.


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