
Monday, December 8, 2014

I did it......#4 top has its borders.....

I worked on the borders for several hours yesterday afternoon and got them all sewn on.  I removed the prints that looked like solids and cut a few new pieces.  On the top and bottom there is a strip of just one print 2" wide.  The borders increased the width of the quilt by 9" and the length by 4".
Here are the 2 side borders for one last audition before I sewed them on.  You can see the fabrics easier here than when they are blending into and extending the dark value area when they are sewn on.  A couple people thought I shouldn't put a border on but it needed extra width.  As far as it looking like a border, I wanted it to look like an extension of value not a distinct border when finished.
This shot gives you more of a perspective of the size.  The length was already 96" but the width was only 62".  Now it is 100" x 71.5".  I had to work with it horizontally when designing the border and rotated the photos for the 2 shots above.

So.......I have put borders on 4 quilt tops already this month.  I have several more that need them.....can I keep going?


  1. You can if you want to. It is always a good feeling to get things to a certain stage. Finished is wonderful. Chris

  2. I have been watching the Borderpalooza... and you are getting some done!!! Next loading up the longarm for a run at finishes!!!

  3. Wanda, I love the scrappy border on this quilt, it makes those diamonds sparkle! It is a perfect length for a tall person to cuddle under. Yes,keep going!


  4. Fabulous result, Wanda! Love everything about this quilt. Sue.

  5. LOVE THIS! The fabrics, the arrangement of lights and darks, and the subtleties in each, just outstanding.

  6. Perfect! I love the extended side borders.....that just let the colors flow out. Your "chunk" selection is just right for it. I say, more borders if needed....go for it!

  7. I love the way you finished this one - the "border" looks great but yes doesn't really look like a border - perfect

  8. The border turned out great! I wish I had tops needing borders instead of tops that need made!

  9. Wanda, I wish you could give me an injection of whatever it is that flows through your veins and keeps you going at warp speed. This is such a magnificent quilt on it's own, but the borders are the frame that makes it pop.

  10. How terrific is a border that is not a frame, but extends and completes the design. That is brilliant!

  11. It looks fabulous, Wanda. Those borders are just perfect for it.

  12. I like the last shot of the quilt on your design board. It really let's you see the colors & how they go together. Glad you are getting so many borders done.

  13. Your knowledge of how to finish a quilt is just amazing. This quilt turned out just perfect and I can understand why you did not want a 'border' that was different, but one that blends in so well as this. Yes, keep going on your borders, you are batting 1000.

  14. what a gorgeous quilt! What size is it?

  15. Love how you were so specific with the colors in the border, you certainly got the desired results. Looks FAB ulous, as usual.

  16. You really got the effect you were going for - the border really seems like an extension of the blocks rather than a distinct border. Gorgeous quilt!

  17. Knowing you, they will all be finished in a matter of days. How many are left?

  18. Puh, you work very fast! Go on!!! :-)

  19. What a stunning sight to see your quilt pics in your post just now, I think it is absolutely wonderful.

  20. You may keep going. We will allow it. Lol

  21. I've been a fascinated watcher for several months, so am not surprised at your unusual border choices, just pleased at how well they not only extend the width of the quilt but how they also enhance the pattern so beautifully.

  22. Go, Wanda, GO!!

    Your border/extensions on this quilt are 110% "just right" and I'm so glad you included the non-rotated photo. I love seeing the alternate perspective . . .

    Beautiful - just beautiful!!

  23. I really, really, really like this one! Those added borders just add to it. Perfection!

  24. Keep going at this pace and theres nontellinh how many quilty finishes youll have by the end of December (this year?)


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