
Friday, December 19, 2014

Decision made............

We had our second monthly sewing day yesterday since the 4th Thursday falls on Christmas.  My new project is a flannel quilt with 4.5" squares that I cut when I made the 4 flannel quilts at the beginning of this year.  I cut a few more squares on Wednesday so I could make it a little larger.  I will save this to work on in January at our next sewing day.
I finally made the decision that the Christmas stocking for my great grandson would be denim and  machine embroidered.  This design took over 2 hours to sew out.  It had 22 thread changes so I was "on call" for a long time.  I made 2 batches of Chex mix while it sewed.


  1. But sooo worth it. He's one lucky little boy. I love reading about all that you do. Thank you

  2. The stocking is so cute. Boys are harder to make things for. Chris

  3. Nice boys stocking for your GGS.

  4. I had tried to make some stockings out of recycled denim and would have continued if I had the time. I have to finish my daughter's quilt and granddaughter's. I should probably meek them in January! I won't add embroidery, but maybe antique buttons. The stocking looks super!

  5. The stocking will be so cool! I just love using leftover denim!

  6. I would never have thought to use denim, but this is another Wandaful idea! That embroidery design is so beautiful and eye-catching, and he will surly treasure it for years to come. If, and when, our grandchildren present us with a little boy, I'm going to borrow your idea and do one like it, if you don't mind. Going in to Costco today and then to pick up some gift cards, with maybe a stop at the Texas Road house for some pulled pork. Have a good day Wanda.

  7. that is a cute embroidery - I didn't know you did those too - I tried out a friends machine once but decided I wouldn't use it enough myself to purchase one - sometimes I wish I had.

  8. Nice idea. Every color looks good on denim also! Btw, what embroidery machine do you use? I've looked at them, but not yet made a purchase.

  9. I LOVE the idea of the denim with the embroidery. Whew....that is a lot of color changes! It looks fabulous.

  10. Charley Harper drinking glasses, GORGEOUS Vicki Welsh Christmas cards, pillow cases, brown sugar keeper, yesterdays quilt with borders, and today flannel quilt squares AND your MAGNIFICENT SANTA for your great grandson ! What a delightful array of blogs that I so enjoyed this morning.


  11. Oh, what a gorgeous Santa. That will be a treasure of a stocking! Have you seen the machine embroidered snowflakes? Really pretty.

  12. Twenty-two thread changes is a lot, but the end result will be well worth it!

  13. I think I'm glad i don't have a fancy embroidery machine like that. Im afraid id end up spending too much time -And thread - sewing out fancy designs like that; not to mention zebras! I'd really love to be able to do labels, though.
    Love the stocking!


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