
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Scrappy quilts.........

Today I am linking to the monthly Scraptastic Tuesday.  There are lots of other bloggers linked so if you like scrap quilts, check them out too.  

If you have been reading my blog for very long you know I use lots of different fabrics in each quilt.  I get bored if there are too few choices in the quilt. 
One of my favorite scrap projects is my colorwash quilts.  These two are made with 2" squares, however I work with 2.5" and 1.5" squares too.  I start out cutting the largest squares from my scraps, then go down in size as the scrap becomes smaller until I have cut it all up.

I made the top piece last night and the bottom one a few months ago.

Here is a link to more colorwash pieces that I have made.

I think the back is pretty neat too. 

This is part of my collection of 2.5" squares.  I store them in the disposable aluminum cookie sheets and they nest together.  I can stack more than 20 trays in one large storage bin.  There is a photo on this post

Colorwash is achieved through separating values and here is a post that simplifies the sorting.


  1. Lots of cutting, but they are fun to work with. Have fun with them. Chris

  2. Great post - your color wash squares in those trays are such a wonder to see . . . So many variations, shades, etc. and so easy to access as needed.

  3. Ok, got the squares in the trays. Now I need to screw up my courage and start placing them on the design wall and hope I don't get lost!

  4. More is better! I also like lots of different fabrics in a quilt otherwise I find it a bit boring.

  5. Great tip..cookie trays and the cutting. Thank you. I am ordering a Go real soon. I could get lost just gazing at your trays. An artist's palate! Alice
    Alvgore at nycap dot rr dot com

  6. You are the best Wanda... Just love checking in every day and today was as you say "Scraptastic Tuesday"! Your color wash pieces are ALWAYS SENSATIONAL to say the least. I too will use the trays to get me back in the swing of getting mine started again..


  7. Very very nice. I recognized some of those fabrics. I am going to believe they found a home...

  8. Wanda,I love our colorwash pieces but then I am a fan of everything you do.

  9. A master class in scrappiness......that is what I get every time I visit your blog Wanda!

  10. Wanda, I am still not getting your newsletter and have tried to rectify it with Feed Burner, but they have no contact info. Are you getting your comments forwarded yet?

    I look forward to your post every day to see what you've seemingly pulled out of your hat every day. Honestly, you astound me as to how fast you can piece something together. These African fabrics are so beautiful and colorful, especially the way you arrange the colors. You are one talented lady!

  11. I love a scrappy quilt and the color wash are exceptional. You're a master at color and value.
    I'd not seen the cookie sheet idea before. Very handy.

  12. I never tire seeing your wonderful color wash pieces of art!

  13. Just found you thru Pinterest! Love your style!

  14. Loving the effect you get by careful sorting and storing! Not sure I have your patience however but thank you for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday

  15. These blocks are beautiful as are your other quilts. I love the way you have made these many different fabrics look like a beautiful watercolour painting. The graduated values is another way to tame the riot of scraps that I would like to try too.


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