
Friday, October 31, 2014

Drunkard's Path top.....and African fabric quilts collage.......

I decided this was the right border without looking for another one.  I cut it 1" wider than I had it on the audition photo about a week ago.  I am very happy with it.  I'm linking up to the 'Cross the Drunkard's Path' sew-in, link on the right side bar.

I did the collage of all of my quilts made with African fabric and forgot to include this one. I decided to post the collage today too so they at least would all be in the same post, even if not in the same photo.
Some of them are just partially African fabrics and 3 are all African fabrics.  I tried to manipulate the sizes so that they were close to the actual size differences between them.  The photo should enlarge if you click on it.


  1. Yep I like the "framed" African one the best....

  2. Drunkard's Path is a hit with me. Wow is all I can say. And I say that with all your quilts. Love those fabrics.

  3. You have done it again ... Wow!

    The DP turned out so well - but my favorite is the latest finish (bottom row center in the collage).

    Amazing work . . .

  4. After seeing them all together, I agree, the latest one wins, hands down, not that the others are not beautiful, but, this one just screams, "Look at me, I am gorgeous".

  5. They are all so unique and just beautiful in their colors. Love that border you chose.

  6. Thank you for sharing these. You have given me a great appreciation for African fabric. :) I love the drunkard's path quilt! So different from what I see in other blogs, I'm very glad you add your unique voice because I know it is influencing me as I begin sewing. I hope someday I can make a quilt so interesting!

    Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

  7. The DP with African fabrics is a winner! I really enjoyed your series working with those fabrics.

  8. I agree, that border fabric is perfect. A great collection!

  9. Amazing each and everyone of them, Wanda. It is difficult to pick a favorite but I do like Drunkard's Path.


  10. Such beautiful quilts! I love the different look of each of them. The DP turned out gorgeous - that's always been a favorite block of mine because of the many different ways to use them.

  11. I especially like the funky one at the bottom left!

  12. I am amazed once again at your beautiful quilts. You have quite a collection to be proud of.

  13. I like them all! The border you chose for the dp does indeed look perfect.

  14. All the African fabric quilt are wonderful! My favorite has to be the Drunkard's Path. The border you chose set it off so perfectly.

  15. Definitely love your newest piece the best, but the 16 patch is a pretty close second. The black and the border really make this new piece sing. Thanks for sharing them all together.

  16. Your Drunkard's Path is fabulous - so rich, as are all these African fabric quilts. Wow!

  17. To my eyes you have achieved perfection once again. You are such inspiration for me!

  18. You know I LOVE the one which features the zebra so prominently! I HAVE to pick that as my favorite. My one disappointment with African fabrics is that they virtually never depict zebras. I assume it's because zebras are so plentiful and not any particular use or danger to the people? Just my guess.
    Besides the zebra I have a hard time choosing between your two newest ones, the DP and the squares, they are both winners in my book. I also love the 16 patches, they have a great overall effect but don't allow the African fabrics to shine as much as the others do. The pictorial quilt is lots of fun, outside your general comfort zone? The only one like it I've seen from you. I recently did my first landscape quilt, and it was a stretch which was very good for me, but not nearly as enjoyable as doing what I know and am used to.

  19. Dear Wanda,
    the Afrikan Quilts are really great, i love them! Do you wash the Fabrik befor?
    I am so happy, that i found your blog, your Posts inspire me so much.
    Best regards from Austria

  20. They are all stunning! How does one pick?

  21. They are all wonderful! I love African fabrics! You are amazing with color!


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