
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Winner and another giveaway..........

Fall is in the air.  This tree is across the street and is already losing leaves.  Other trees have barely started turning.

Now, for the winner of yesterday's Lapel Stick.  First, I said NO REPLY people would automatically be disqualified.  Image how I felt when the first three comments were all no reply.  Numbers 4 and 5 were too but they put their email in their comment so they were included.  Those of you  NO REPLY with blogger accounts, go to your profile page, click on the Edit Profile button (top right corner), put a check mark in the box after Show my email address, scroll down and SAVE.  If you don't save it, it isn't done.  Those of you with Google+, almost all of you are no reply, I wish I could help you but I don't know how to get your email enabled.

Now for the winner, 19 people were in the drawing.  I did it the old fashioned way of writing names on slips of paper and picking one out of the pile.  The winner is KadyB.
Today anyone in the US can enter.  My second test for the Lapel Stick was for a binding all by machine.  I quilted a little sample of 3 layers and sewed my binding onto the front side.

Then I put a very small amount of the Lapel Stick glue near the fold edge of the binding and pressed it in place with my fingers on the back side of the sample.  Then I stitched from the right side and caught the folded edge with my stitching.  I even glued the corner in place with a very light coating of glue and it didn't move.  I can't stand the idea of a stream of wet glue on my quilts so I was happy with this thin coating of glue stick that doesn't gum up my needle.

Giveaway drawing CLOSED at midnight 9/30/14 


  1. Once again - I LOVE your work! Also your flowers. I use Elmer's glue but would welcome the chance to try a stick that would work because it would be easier to use.
    Thank you for a very enjoyable blog.

  2. I'm going through chemo now and would welcome ANY thing that would help me get back to my beloved quilting which has become a chore if I can manage to get to it at all. Your work was the inspiration for my 'cheery quilt' that I take to treatments. No place there for CW repros!

  3. I've not tried to finish binding on the machine but am tempted to give it a try with this glue. Thanks!

  4. I have used ordinary, washable, school type glue stick to good effect. I would be quite interested in trying out the lapel brand given your glowing recommendation!

  5. So generous of you. I love seeing your wip and finished quilts. They are an inspiration to me.
    Sue dot quilts at

  6. I have not been successful with machine applique but enjoy the process of hand work. Perhaps this lapel brand glue stick will help with the machine work. Thanks for the give-a-way!

  7. I've never thought of using glue to help keep things in place for binding. Thanks for the chance to give it a try!

  8. I love your work! Would love to try the glue stick. Thanks for the chance.

  9. I sound like a copycat, but I do love your work, the colors amaze me. I have corrected my profile so I should not be "no reply" any longer - - would love to win a glue stick, hate pins and need to work on machine sewn bindings.

  10. I have got to try binding by machine! It looks like the lapel stick makes it a breeze. fdemmert at windstream dot net

  11. If it doesn't gum up your needle, then I'm all for it.

  12. Would love to give the glue stick a try.

  13. Thanks for the chance to win. love to give this product a try.

  14. Thanks for a chance to win this product. I like your pictures of nature and your plants Trees are turning and losing leaves here, also, and I'm busy picking up black walnuts.

  15. I would love a chance to try this product. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, Wanda!

  16. Love the idea of help with binding my quilts. This little glue stick is worth a try. Thanks....

    spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

  17. Would love to try this glue stick on some machine applique.cloe007ATbellsouthDOTcom

  18. Very interesting. I would love to try Lapel Stick. Thanks!!!

  19. I keep intending to use glue for the binding process. I like the idea of a glue stick much better than wet glue. Thank you for the opportunity.

  20. I have used the elmer's school glue for binding and it was a sticky gooey mess. I would love to try the lapel stick! Thanks!
    uzarragam at gmail dot com

  21. Would love to have this and try it on some charity quilts I have yet to bind. My email address: hedy.hahnatgmaildotcom

  22. Would love to have this and try it on some charity quilts I have yet to bind. My email address: hedy.hahnatgmaildotcom

  23. I'm in. Never heard of this stuff before and if it's good, hurray. Love the idea of dabbing for binding and tight spots!



  24. I would love to try this on my charity quilts I just finished and haven't bound yet. My email address: hedy.hahnatgmaildotcom

  25. This glue looks promising. I would like to try it. Thanks,

    joyecox AT yahoo DOT com

    I am not sure if I am no reply or not!

  26. ready to try the glue stick! thanks

  27. I am with you about the no reply blogger comments. What is the point of even them leaving a comment if they block you from replying? I recently had a giveaway and the winner was a no reply person so therefore they didn't get the prize! I have never tried the Lapel Stick. I will have to try and find a source for them.

  28. I'd love to try this on my hand-buttonhole applique in place of the bonding filament.

  29. Wow another cool give away. I have been wanting to try the all done by machine binding. Well I tried it once and did not like the outcome so ripped it out and did it by hand. That looks like a sure fail way to keep it all in place. Would love to try that product as well.

  30. Great idea to use the stick for binding! Thanks for the chance to win. Read your blog every morning with my morning cup of tea.
    jlpfeffer at gmail dot com

  31. I would enjoy trying this product. I have avoided machine sewn binding, but will try it now based on your instructions.

  32. I haven't tried this technique. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. I always like to try new products. Have used another glue for appliqué which is so so. Would like to compare. Thank you for the opportunity. Alice
    Alvgore. At. Nycap dot rr dot com

  34. Sounds like Lapel Stick can be used different ways. I am interested in trying a new product. Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Looks like a great product. Even if I don't win, I will tell my LQS about this product. (so I win anyway) Thank you.

  36. Well I'm signing up just to give something new to try. Until you told us about it, never heard of it.

  37. It would be a great way to tack the binding down for sewing it in place.

  38. Finally a glue stick that works. I'd love to give it a try once my sewing room is set up and running. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Count me in again. I do all my bindings by machine but they do not always come out as neat as yours.

  40. I was just in a shop that had it, (can't remember which shop tho), couldn't think of why I wanted to get it... and didn't get it. Now that you have pointed out several 'good' reasons to have it, I wish I did get it!!! And will put it on my list of GETS.

  41. Count be in. Anything to make the binding of quilts easier is a winner in my book!

    Kay in Kansas


  42. I meant to say Count me in!

    Kay in Kansas


  43. Thanks for a chance to try the Lapel Stick. Using it for bindings sounds great. Patti
    tric99cia at yahoo dot com

  44. This a great use for this glue. Thanks for the chance.

  45. I would like to try the lapel stick, looks like it will be great for bindings.
    marcih AT kc DOT rr DOT com

    As for why people leave remarks that you can't reply to -- maybe they want to tell you how they enjoy your blog, don't really need to reply to that.

  46. Looks like a great tool! Thanks for the chance to win.

    cwells3 AT aol DOT com

  47. I always wanted a chance to see what this Lapel stick thing is all about. (I have a U.S. mailing address.) Thanks, Wanda!

  48. I've been using Elmer's glue (drying it with an iron), so this sounds easier. Would love to give it a try, as I have 4 quilts at the binding stage (just waiting for me)

  49. Thank you for this giveaway! I've used School Glue and welcome the chance to try something new.

  50. Lapel stick sounds like the perfect ticket to perfect binding by machine. It certainly would beat pinning. Thanks so much for a wonderful blog that I look forward to early each morning!
    dianne gdavidhoffmanatyahoo dotcom

  51. That's a quick tip for gluing a binding down and glad this product does not gum up the needle. Thank you for the opportunity to win a sample!

  52. I'm in Wanda. This sounds easier than the fine tip on a glue bottle. Cari J

  53. have to get me some of that.thanks tjwbewatcharterdotnet

  54. What a practical idea, to use a glue when machine binding. I always have problems with the corners!

  55. Would like to try this method of attaching binding. I help out a friend with binding quilts she does for a children's home and do them all by machine. If I don't win this one, please share where we might find this product.

  56. I think you should start making "No-Reply" t-shirts. :)

  57. Never tried it but I am willing to try it. Thank you for the chance. I believe your word is golden!

  58. Would love to try Lapel Stick on several projects.
    Thank you for the opportunity, I have an US postal address.

  59. This is the first time I have read about the Lapel Stick, so I am quite interested - I would love a chance to try one out - it looks like it would work perfectly for many of my sewing/machine embroidery projects. Thanks for the opportunity!

  60. I would love to try that Lapel Stick.

  61. I've never heard of this glue before, would love to try it. Your work is beautiful. Love your Blog.

  62. If I have posted twice, sorry i goofed.
    Love your work.

  63. Love your blog! Love the Kaffe fabrics-I'm never happier than when I'm just surrounded by them.
    I've never seen this glue before, but would love to give it a try.
    Thank you for your generosity doing these giveaways.

  64. Thanks so much for the giveaway offer. I like to try new products.

  65. I would be interested in trying this product. I have enjoyed following your blog and your lovely work for quite a long time.


  66. I have learned so much from reading your blog! I enjoy looking at all your beautiful quilts. Thanks for the opportunity to win Lapel. Sounds great!

  67. OMG... 68 ahead of me... But I will try again today. The more you tell us about the Lapel Stick the more excited I get.


  68. I recently had to do a sort of picture quilt - a bird's eye view of the river that runs through the farm where I live, and some of the surrounding fields - a first for me. And I used a glue stitch a lot, to keep the pieces in place. The stick you have would undoubtedly have worked enen much better!

  69. I've not heard of this nifty glue stick and would love to try it out. I've got quite a bit of binding to do coming up and that sounds great!

  70. Lapel stick sounds wonderful. If I don't win I will have to find it at a shop.

  71. I am all for anything that makes life easier! I would love to try this product.

  72. Sounds like a great product. Love your work!


  73. I love this idea! I'll definitely give it a try! Thanks for this information and giveaway.

  74. I enjoy using glue sticks and would love to try the lapel stick. Love your blog, so many inspirations!


I will reply to all comments WITH A LINK. If you are anonymous or a Blogger account without your email enabled I can not reach you to reply.

There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.