
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

An experiment

My two friends came over yesterday for a day of sewing and I decided to experiment with something I saw on the internet.  It turned out to be a failure because of my choices of fabric.  I still have 10 strips on the bottom to sew on.

The two fabrics in the center are too close in value.  The large beige leaves in the brown print blended into the zebra print in the piecing.  Also the shape of my template wasn't curvy enough.

 To see how to make this, put Interleave quilt into a Search and it will bring up many photos of succesful pieces as well as Lorrie's blog post that is a tutorial.  There are other blogs that will come up in the search too and they show the pieces they made.  It is a very interesting concept and I want to try it again with some better value and color choices.


  1. When I think about the process, I think that the multi-colored print would work - that you would need tone on tone, but that one is, my favorite part of this piece.

    Maybe use color differences to make it work... (A triad with a small scale multi - or mixed with a black&white print?)

    I'm full of ideas, but not willing to give it a go. (I'm still trimming flying geese!)

  2. It's an interesting technique. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Fascinating! I have bookmarked the tutorial and hope to have time (someday!) to try this. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. As always, thanks for sharing Wanda, because we benefit from your mistakes as well. That's the teacher in you, showing her students what not to do, a very admirable trait on your part.

    Quite a storm we had early this morning, but at least the winds seem to be calming down somewhat. Good day to stay in and sew, but I have a doctor's appointment this morning and another one this afternoon.

  5. This is a great example of how value and fabric pattern can work against you. I would have thought those fabrics would work also. I suspect that color was also an issue in this one. The red in the dark fabric is too close to the red leaf fabric.
    I think if that red had been blue, green or purple, the design in the interleave would have been far more striking.

  6. Interesting! I bookmarked the tutorial and I may try it sometime in the future. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Interleave quilting. What amazing images and a fascinating story. I would definitely want a pattern for this one, you are more than brave but what an exciting way to spend an afternoon. I can't wait to see your final version.

  8. This is very interesting and I have spent the last hour+ looking at Lorrie's blog as well as some quilts others have done with this process. Lorrie has also used spoonflower for printing some of her designs. Wouldn't that be fun!

  9. Yours is great. I love it. It doesn't have to look like everyone elses.

  10. I'm new to reading blogs and reaching out to an Internet quilt network. Your quilts are awesome! I am a contemporary quilter and am drawn to your patterns, style and colors. I want to try this new technique. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Such an interesting technique! I got lost online for quite a while looking at other peoples versions! I just live how it's almost an argyle pattern - yet its not at the same time!!

  12. Hard for me to believe that you would make the wrong fabric/color choices! But I guess everybody has to learn, and I appreciate you being willing to share even your mistakes, since there's often as much to learn from those as from successes. My eyes immediately recognized the background zebra fabric which I also have and have used bits of in several quilts. It's such a fun print.
    I look forward to seeing how you do with this technique in the future!

  13. I like yours! I haven't seen the others yet; just based on first impression of yours, I think it is quite cool. Now I'll go see the others, but don't disparage yours. Or -- send it to me. :-)


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