
Thursday, July 24, 2014


There isn't much progress to show on current quilts.  I needed to organize my long arm thread so yesterday was the day.  Cone thread works better than spool thread on a long arm so it takes up a lot of space.  This is my collection of YLI cotton variegated thread, now all in the same drawer.

I watered tomato plants, pulled weeds, cut more volunteer trees (there are hundreds of redbud tree seeds that plant themselves each year) and watered all of my porch and garage pots.  It has turned cooler again, low humidity, just perfect for being outside.  Since we haven't had any rain for a week I didn't have to mow the grass though.


  1. Organization wonderful word. Now if I could make myself do it. Wonderful weather and it makes me wonder what this Winter will bring. Chris

  2. There is something about spools and cones of thread ... The colors but also the future projects ...

    Enjoy the weather - it has returned to muggy here

  3. Thread......beautiful thread. It's right up there with beautiful fabric when we need a fix. I am amazed each time I open my thread cabinet and see the color.
    And it's the same Wanda by opening up your blog each day to get a fix on your world of color between flowers and fabric.
    Thanks for sharing all you do

  4. My thread collection has outgrown its space and I need to spend some time devising a new system to break it out not only by color buy also function.

  5. I declare that yesterday was "thread organization day" - You see I put thread nets on all of my large cones of embroidery thread. And I also did some rearranging of the thread drawers.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It sounds like perfect weather for working in the yard!

  8. I love the look of all that thread - just waiting to bring some quilts to life.


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