
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Playing with 2" strips..........

Last night I decided to cut the pieces for these blocks - tutorial on Debbie's blog.  I have a whole box of 2" strips so I was able to cut the pieces quickly.

I may have to play with a zig zag layout.

My neighbors had a whole patch of this little plant, and they didn't plant it.  I found one down under some tall plants.  I thought it looked like creeping Charlie on steroids when I first saw it.  I have no idea what it is.

Two varieties of Cranesbill share one spot by my porch.  It's so nice to be into blooming season.



  1. Your mystery plant is ajuga (bugle weed)
    I like how your floral blocks are looking.

  2. I know its not the 'charlie', but not what it is! I have a pink cranesbill here as well. Came with the place!

  3. I agree with Suzanne. Your mystery plant looks like ajuga to me too. I've seen it sold in plant centers as a ground cover that can tolerate shade. We used it some while we were living in Alabama. Its leaves can take on subtle hues. I love your new blocks.

  4. Your flowering plants are looking great! I will have to go out in the yard and take some pictures of my sea mist and lily of the valley which are blooming now. I don't have any other color since I am so limited in what I can plant because of the deer. Those blocks are very interesting! The floral fabrics make you want to take you time and study all the different prints!

  5. always nice to have plants come in and grow without you doing the work as long as they do not take over!

  6. I love your idea of the zig zag layout with those blocks.
    The mystery plant is so pretty. Right now everything seems so pretty - seeing some colour after the long cold winter is such a treat!

  7. A 'fun' post to view today Wanda... from your strips to your 'plant on steroids.' Love the color it is.


  8. That's a cool block. It has a lot of potential!

  9. I can't tell off the top of my head - without actually making a few blocks - I think, but is there any reason this wouldn't work if you reverse the placement of the light and dark fabrics? I always have a lot more dark than light, so that would be better for me if I tried it.
    Just finished a quilt made with 2" strips from my scrap box, and the 2" strip box is still completely full, even though I made a full sized quilt! It's a hopeless proposition. There's no such thing as a scrap buster quilt.

  10. what you are doing with the floral fabrics and this block. I was wondering about reversing some of the layouts to see if it changes things. Maybe for a second one. Thanks for the plug for the tutorial.

  11. That looks interesting. I'll be watching for sure to see your progress!


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