
Friday, May 30, 2014

HSTeria quilt along Friday............

I worked on the border for this wallhanging at the sew in.  I am doing the border as blocks too and I will have 25 blocks to sew together when I get all of the border parts made.

 I got three of the blocks on the top border sewn together and started on a corner block but had some triangles sewn in the wrong direction so it was time to quit for the day.

Click on the HSTeria button on my right side bar to see what everyone else is making with their triangles.


  1. Love it. Really speaks volumes as far as the color and the shapes. Chris

  2. Your use of color is divine. It seems like you absorb the color inspiration from your garden and express it in fabric. I use your blog to inspire my quilt choices - I now go bold rather than my former subdued choices.

  3. Very pretty! I am saving some half square triangle "corners" off the blocks I am currently making. I think the squares will be about 1 1/4".

  4. I really like this quilt and looks like something I would make with all my scraps. I'm sure you said what the pattern is but could you remind me - I might think about doing this one some day.

  5. This is going to be a beautiful quilt Wanda, love your colors!

  6. What a pretty quilt! I like all the borders. Border after border after border.

  7. I'm really liking the look of this!! Pretty colors and love all the blocks and borders!

  8. That is a lot of teeny hst's.

  9. Wanda, that is gorgeous! And the borders just make it so much prettier.

  10. Looks great! I would never have taken the time to make such time intensive borders, but it's clearly what's called for. Good for you!

  11. What a great border! Just perfect for these blocks.

  12. Great quilt. I love pieced borders.

  13. I think this is becoming one of my most favorite quilts!!! I love the spin in the blocks!

  14. I love what you are doing here, the colours really appeal to me. This will be spectacular when fihished.


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