
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another candidate for triangles.....

I found this neat triangle pattern in this 1970 book.  I think it might have the same effect as the Northwind block.  There are positive and negative blocks which should make it interesting to assemble.  It is finished 4" components: square, half square and quarter square.

This was my view every time I walked down the basement stairs yesterday. Gemstones, reflections, shimmering......all candidates that might be in the name of this quilt.

I mowed my grass in 2 sessions yesterday.  I have a battery operated mower and it isn't holding a full charge any more.  I can get the front and side yards almost done when it dies and then I recharge it and mow the back.  I noticed the Jack-in-the-Pulpits were really big so I grabbed my camera and went back out.
I have the dark striped ones and the plain green ones, courtesy of my neighbor and probably the birds.  They pop up right through the leaves so I don't even rake in the area where they grow.

Here is the garden outside my dining room window on May 3 and.....
here it is on May 19.  It fills in fast and I can barely find the stepping stones but I know they are there if I need to get in there later.


  1. They get some rain on them and the garden grows fast. Sometimes the older patterns with the newer fabric just shine. I think the older pattern would be neat made up also. Chris

  2. Cannot wait to see what you do with this pattern!! Shimmer is a great name for your quilt top - it turned out wonderfully :) A lesson for me that hanging in there and redoing those bits that aren't quite right in terms of color is well worth the effort!

  3. The shimmering can really be seen from that angle. You nailed it with your patience approach to get it right.
    So enjoy the greens of nature this time of year. And how it happens so fast with some of the plants.

  4. What is old is new again! My lilies of valley are ready to explode with flowers and I can't wait to smell them!

  5. the quilt somehow looks a lot bigger in this shot then I realized it was I do love it. Get a kick out of the book cover - modern quilting - I thought modern was more recent LOL. Love the garden. Even though the lawn mower dies after awhile it forces you to take a break right

  6. My garden is exploding, too, Wanda - all the areas that were open last summer are all filling in already. Your quilt looks great! I don't usually think of quilt names, but after seeing your ideas, the name Facets just popped into my head. Love the cover on that 70s book!

  7. I love the new block. With the leftovers I think you should make the cover skirt.

  8. Your quilt is magnificent!

    Seeing that cover photo made me think of Good Vibrations .... (Random, I know)

  9. How funny, Wanda, I have the very same book... somewhere packed away. We should be moving soon.

  10. The quilt is waiting for The Name!!! It has truly lived up to any expectation and beyond. Love those flowers, a friend gave me some roots, sadly they are lost, I should have planted them into big pots. Cheers, Jean.

  11. I thought of Facets, too. Really seems to fit this quilt.How about Shimmering Facets ?


  12. christijowinter933@yahoo.comMay 20, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    Count me among the group of people who think "shimmer" really fits your latest (gorgeous!) quilt.

  13. For sure its going to awesome. I use the older patterns too!

  14. That will be an interesting quilt. I love the Jack in the Pulpits!


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