
Sunday, May 11, 2014

A better photo..........

I added the last 14 blocks that I made on Thursday and rearranged the blocks.  This photo is truer color and values than the one yesterday.  I have fabrics chosen for another 15 blocks and hope to press the fabrics and get pieces cut some time today.  I will be rearranging blocks many times as I continue to make blocks.

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the mid 70s so I mowed the grass and bought a few plants for my pots which I hope to get planted today.  I'm going to try tomato plants in large containers again.  I don't really have a place to plant them in the ground.  

The Redbuds are in full bloom.  This is the view out my north studio window.
 This is the view out of the west studio window.  There are even more Redbuds trees in another part of the backyard as well as two that planted themselves near my driveway.

Happy Mother's Day!! 


  1. We planted the garden yesterday and our Crabapple trees are in full bloom. Smells wonderful outside. Looks like your are well on the way to have a great success with your blocks. Chris

  2. The quilt looks great. And yay, redbuds! They are my all-time favorite tree.


  3. What fabulous colours! Just what the eye needs to see on a grey and rainy day in London :)

  4. Hi Wanda, I made this quilt many moons ago . It was then called a scrappy dip where we put our pieces in a brown bag and swapped bags. It was great fun .
    I would like to do it again .
    Are the small hst cut 3 3/8

  5. Yes, Wanda, yesterday was a gorgeous day! We had our dinner out on the patio last night, so lovely, no bugs yet. Happy Mother's Day!

  6. It's already looking really good, Wanda! I like the progress from cool to warm across the quilt, and the luminosity in the middle.

    Enjoy your day! We have another nice day predicted too, and then 5 days of rain!

  7. Love the new quilt. It glows! Happy Mothers Day to you also!

  8. I love redbud trees. I miss all the redbuds in bloom in St. Louis.

  9. Happy Mother's Day Aunt Wanda! I love the dishcloths that Mom gave me yesterday. Have a great day!


  10. Beautiful tree in blossom, Both myself and our daughters have grown tomatoes in pots, ( regular size, cherry tomatoes, and other smaller varieties) I found I needed to put into the mix first some " water storage crystals" that absorb lots of water, then slowly release. Don't know if you would need them, but for us, worked very well. More blocks, that is a super design. Cheers, Jean.

  11. I can see what you mean with the colours now showing more true -it's looking lovely and richer than your previous photo.

  12. Always enjoy watching your designs grow. Your redbuds are so pretty also. I know it has to feel wonderful to have your warm days.


  13. The quilt looks great. The shading is really effective. It looks quite different from further away. Well done!

  14. Hi there and Happy Mother's Day. I hope you had a wonderful day!
    I love the color combinations for this quilt. You have quite an eye for placement.

  15. You look way ahead of us...our redbuds not blooming and nothing leafed out yet but very close now.
    Can't wait.

    Love what you are working on now. Stunning!

  16. Happy Mothers Day. It sounds like you had a great day

  17. Wanda, I love how it is turning out!! Just beautiful!! And your trees seem to be ahead of ours. I feel like we are still waiting on spring! I hope you had a fantastic mother's day!!

  18. Love this quilt. What size are your corner triangles? This one is a real beauty.....

  19. Your yard looks so nice. Temps have already been in the 90's here in SC but I follow the shade around when working in the yard. I am looking the blocks you are working on now. Checked out the Squares & Triangles from the library. I look forward to your posting each day.


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