
Saturday, April 19, 2014


Some friends are coming over Monday and we are all making a Soul Searching quilt, not the original in the book but one that a student of Kathy Doughty's made.  Rather than individual blocks it has the next row nested in between rows one and two.  She has a photo of it on her Material Obsession blog (10th photo).  I have been gathering scraps and 2.5" strips and last night started cutting some of the lengths of each color that I will need. 

I went out and trimmed back my Butterfly Bush and cleaned up one part of a flower bed.  There is more clean up to do but we will still get some frosts and freezes so I don't want everything totally uncovered yet.  Besides that my old body can't take too much of that kind of work in one day.  Little by little it will all be done.


  1. As my husband says all good things that time. Looks like you will have fun with your colors you are picking out. Chris

  2. That would be the one good thing about this little tiny yard... not much to do in it. We'll all be waiting to see the new... project.

  3. Love the new color selections - can't wait to see this in progress.

  4. I love the alternate layout. It is really going to be pretty with your bright colors

  5. I know what you mean about the gardening - what I used to do in one day now takes several

  6. I really liked that layout. Would love to know how it goes as we are thinking about doing it in a large group Candy

  7. Oh, I LOVE the alternate layout on the MO blog ... I will be watching closely as you and your friends work on these!! Fabulous colors!!

  8. I think I like the alternate layout better. Very nice.

  9. That version of the "Soul Searching" quilt is just great! There are so many interpretations that can be done. Let me know how it turns out, and how you all go about setting it together? I'm finally done flying this week! WHEW!

  10. Those are exactly my very most favorite colors you have laid out for your quilt! Maybe we are soul sisters? I'm leaving for Paducah in two days, and I've been thinking about what kinds of fabrics I want to buy while I'm there. I would like to try not to just buy everything I see which I like - because I simply don't have room for that much more fabric! So, I'm going to have to try not to buy very much saturated green, purple, and orange fabrics, because I have so much of those kinds. Even though that's where my eyes go automatically! Actually, I need to try to get more lighter and neutral fabrics. They don't speak to me the same way at all, but I need them when I'm quilting, and I don't have them in my stash!

  11. I love all the pretty fabrics & color combinations. Looks like everyone is
    well on their way to having a beautiful quilt or wall hanging made.
    Happy quilting!

    Kay in Kansas


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