
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Outside happenings.....

I started cleaning up the front flower bed yesterday.  I could hear some crows and didn't pay much attention to them and then I heard another noise so I turned around to look at the tree they were in.  That is when I saw the other bird.
From this high perch he could probably see all the way over my house into the backyard where the bird feeders are.

This crow just decided to fly over by his pal when I snapped the photo.  No leaves yet on our trees.

Last night I was gathering pieces for the project to take to the sew in today.  When I got it all packed I finished this dishcloth out of 3 partial balls of yarn.


  1. Nice picture. You can really see those beady eyes.

  2. Wow great picture. I hope he doesn't get your songbirds.

  3. I was just up there, (visiting the house), and can vouch for the lack of leaves. When I got home... leaves are unfurling here... snowdrops and daffodils are blooming, but so far those were the only blooms to see.... ok a couple of weeds too. Great picture of the hawk!

  4. We have a lot of hawks that spend the winter in our area. They always look so regal. This is a great picture.

  5. What a lovely hawk you have in the tree! We have hawks all over the place here year round. I normally can't get a photo of them though as I see them when I am in the car driving down the country highways - I rarely see them in the trees near the house though :(

  6. Great pictures. We are beginning to get leaves here. And tons of pollen, too.
    I see a lot of multicolored yarn dishcloths in my future. I keep partial balls of yarn in baggies.
    Awesome find, coin strips, pictured in yesterday's post. I remember seeing beautiful "Square Dance" at your show in Charlotte. Looking forward to seeing "Madness" come together.

  7. We have hawks here in Caracas, all the little birds get together to see them off where I live. We know there is a hawk around sometimes as they screech really loud when calling to each other I suppose. Love your picture, we look at ours through binoculars sometimes.

  8. That is the same breed of hawk that in my yard last year.

  9. We have a "neighborhood" hawk - his name is Slash (not sure why, but it is)

    Great photo!

  10. My sister had a hawk in her trees this fall and early winter. Same kind of hawk also. They do like to have little songbirds for lunch or dinner.

    Your knitted dish cloths, has inspired me to get my stash of Sugar and Cream knit up also. I had forgotten it only takes an evening to knit one dish cloth up. I too am giving them away to the needy.


  11. Red Tailed Hawks are one of my least favorite birds! One got one of my chickens, and now I can't let them free range as much as I used to be able to do!

  12. I have been enjoying knitting up a few dishcloths too since I've seen the ones you are making. I'm so glad to get those balls of cotton out of the cupboard and made up. Love the mix and match ones maybe even more than the ones that are all one skein.

  13. Lovely pattern on the breast of that hawk! I might have to try and figure out who he is...I am not very good at it..but I learn a little each time I try. I see he has a square tail... and he is a midwesterner...

    I llke your knitting.

  14. We've got a crow's nest in a tree in our yard and we have two hawks that are constantly trying to swoop in on them. Oh, the noise they make!!!

  15. And did the hawk welcome the crow? You are leaving me out there on the branch wondering!

  16. I love to see the hawks. We see red tails around the city.

  17. Great picture of the hawk. We have them here all the time but not sitting. They fly in great circles looking for the rodents we want them to catch.


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