
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cutting, quilting, knitting.........

When I cut the wedges for the Vintage Spin blocks there was just enough left over on the 9" strip to cut four 6.5" triangles with my Studio die cutter.  This is just the last batch, the rest are in box waiting for these.  While I was in the basement I did a load of laundry and quilted 5 rows on the Streak of Lightning zig zag quilt.  I just have 4 zig zag rows left to quilt and then I will quilt the border.  So far it has all been ditch quilting.  Next I have to decide if I'll do more rows of quilting that will show within the zig zags.
I finished 2 dishcloths in spring colors.  I walked to the post office yesterday and saw crocuses blooming by a couple houses.  My daffodils have buds now too.


  1. Getting outside is wonderful. I don't think anyone will be unhappy this Spring after the Winter we had. The pieces you cut are very colorful. Anxious to see what they will look like sewn up. Chris

  2. I love the way you always find a way to make the most of your fabric.

    Those spring colored dishclothes remind me of either iris or crocus.

  3. My daffodils already bloomed in St. Louis according to the pictures from my landscaper.

  4. I'm so glad you're finally getting some spring time weather. What do you think you might do with the triangles? You have quite a collection.

  5. Just wanted to let you know I am finishing my first dishcloth. Mine doesn't look as pretty as yours but I am trying. Thanks for sending me the directions for knitting the dishcloths.

  6. Please post a picture of the daffodils when they bloom, starved for them down in Venezuela! I missed the dishcloth instructions, could you please send me the link? Thanks.

  7. nice to hear spring is heading north - y'all have had a very long winter too

  8. It sounds like it was a productive day. I'll bet the buds are a welcomed sight for a winter weary town.

  9. I saw today's post on another blog via FB before I got to my blog reader today. Not sure if that's a concern to you or not but some people seem to be upset by copyright concerns. Here's the address if you want to look into it:

  10. Yeah! So glad spring is finally coming your way, too!

  11. Multitasking! Pretty spring colors!

  12. I've cut a lot of the 6 1/2" triangles with my go cutter of leftovers of Civil War repro fabrics. I haven't decided yet what I'll make with them. What are you making with yours?

    I really like your dishcloths. I crochet mine, but yours are a lot prettier.


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