
Saturday, March 29, 2014

A backing and 4 generations......

When I was going through the Philip Jacobs fabrics I found this pastel print with enough yardage for the back of the pastel strippy quilt.  I have it loaded on the longarm and need to quilt it today.

It is so hard to pick the best photo of four people.  In the best of all of our smiles I had reflections in my glasses.  In this one my son isn't smiling as much and the baby decided to swing his arm.  Oh well, it still is a good photo.  I am SO happy to be in a 4 generation photo where I am the great-grandmother.


  1. and well planned too... girl, boy, girl, boy.... pictures are tough! Love the backing print....

  2. how gorgeous to have a 4 generation photo Wanda....

  3. Excellent backing!

    The 4 gen photo is excellent.

  4. Congratulations ! Great looking Family! I do have a 22 yearold grandson so maybe I will be able to take a pic someday!

  5. That fabric will work really well for backing. The picture is really nice. How wonderful to have 4 generations.

  6. That fabric is perfect for the back! I think spring arrived here in NH last night, and the colors of your quilt reflect my uplifted mood today.
    The familial resemblance is evident in the lovely photo.

  7. Wanda, the picture is lovely and your grand daughter looks very much like you! Lucky girl!

  8. Thank you for sharing the photo . . . congratulations to all!

    That backing fabric could not BE more perfect . . .

  9. What a wonderful family picture!

  10. you have a really nice family photo there - I imagine it feels a little odd though to be the great-grandma in the photo! love the backing that you chose.

  11. I love the photo! That will be a treasured photo for sure! I love the backing too.

  12. Congratulations on being a great-grandma! So happy to see the generations together. Do they live close so that you can cuddle that bundle of joy often?

  13. The photo of your family is lovely. My son waited until 40 to have his first so, I won't probably see any greats but we have a family photo that we treasure and I am the 3rd gen. piece. That backing was made for that quilt-lovely.

  14. Super 4 generation picture no matter how you look at it!! It's precious.

    Hope you're healed from your fall earlier.

  15. It's so hard to get a good group picture, but I think yours looks wonderful. What a cute little guy!

    I love the backing. It will make a nice reversible quilt.

  16. That pastel backing print is great. Love it.

  17. Thanks again for sharing your photo. You picked a good one too. And so happy to see all of you together. So rare these days to be able to get a 4 generation photo. Each one of you looks great !

    Oh yah the backing... Looks perfect to me.


  18. Beautiful 4-generation photo! You and your granddaughter really resemble each other!

  19. I enjoy looking at all your new creations, just wanted to say thank you for sharing with us.

    On the photo, if the one you like best has your head in the same orientation, it shouldn't be too hard to use the two together to replace the glare with the better glasses/eye section.

  20. Well I see here that the eyes have it! Congratulations, how wonderful.

  21. What a wonderful photo Wanda! And you SHOULD be happy to see your successive generations! Congrats!

  22. Lovely photo-baby's arm notwithstanding. That pastel print is delightful. A reversible quilt is always welcome addition to any home.

  23. Wonderful picture! May you and your family continue to have many more occasions for such beautiful pictures.

  24. Lovely family photograph

    I love the pastel scrappy quilt , I have made two strippies in flannel

    The quilts made from strippy bits I find are a joy to make

  25. You all look beautiful! Congratulations on being a happy Great is wonderful!!!

  26. That's a great photo, Wanda. Your granddaughter is the image of you! Good genes to pass along. I'm happy for you.

  27. It is wonderful to have those multiple generations photos. We have one or two with 5 generations from my Mom down.

  28. What a precious picture...just makes me smile!

  29. Wonderful family picture. It's nearly impossible to take a picture where everyone looks good, but you know the baby will always top the picture!


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