
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Analyzing the quilt..........

I was really surprised yesterday how many people liked layout #2.  After looking at the photos several times yesterday I know I need to make 2 quilts with 35 blocks each, 50" x 70".  Layout #1 is one that I will make for sure.  I love that layout.  I'm thinking that layout #2 might be kind of neat with only 3 or 5 blocks turned so I'll play with that.  I think I'll make layout #3 in the future with different color blocks.
Since I've made the decision that I will make two quilts, I need more blocks.  I spent 2 hours cutting strips into 11" lengths.  Then I timed how long it took to make 6 blocks.  It came to 22 minutes for each block from cutting the strips to sewing the strips, pressing and trimming to the final block size.  There are between 8 and 11 seams in each block.  So for the 48 blocks I have sewn so far I have 17.5 hours invested, and I'm a fast sewer.  When you look at a quilt with a simple pattern it isn't always obvious that it is labor intensive.  I have 22 more blocks to sew so that will be about another 8 hours.  Then there is the designing time. Too much math?  Too much information?


  1. If you enjoy doing who cares about the labor unless you are figuring a price. Sometimes just the fact you can get lost in doing the process is the fun of it for me. Chris

  2. Not too much anything! I love your quilts, your colors, your sharing the whole process!

  3. I have not kept track of how many hours it took to make a quilt. Good thing I don't make any to sell. I sure would have sold myself short on labor costs.

  4. I couldn't decide which layout I liked best... it was between 2 & 3... So now you have a busy project. Ice here this morning... It will be beautiful when we see the sun!

  5. Ah ha! that is exactly why when someone asks me "how long does it take you to make a quilt?" I just say "I don't keep up with it or I wouldn't make them!"

  6. I'm just in awe of how much faster you can sew than I do!

  7. Definitely not too much information. I enjoy figuring these things out as well. I always time myself when quilting a pantograph so I know how long each row takes and make a note of it.

  8. No, not too much information. I'm always too distracted to keep track, sewing in bits and starts here and there. It is good to know how much time is invested. And I'm not a fast sewer.

  9. Sometimes it is interesting to see how long it takes to perform certain tasks. It helps with planning a schedule when you have a deadline to meet.

  10. As a former CPA who had to track each work day in 15 min increments I am blissfully allergic to keeping track of time! You really work quickly!

  11. it is always interesting to see how long it takes others to make blocks I think as I keep track sometimes myself just out of curiosity.

  12. No definitely not too much information. I'm going to start "timing" how long it takes me to make my quilts. The quilts are just beautiful!

  13. Gosh....I wish I had that many hours to sew. Maybe I could go without sleep at night....hmmm.

  14. Yes, layout 2 was dynamic and interesting. When I taught public school art, I had classes every 45 minutes and each was a different prep (grade). I had to plan every minute to get kids in, out, set up, work, cleanup. That was totally exhausting. I can put my head down and focus and sew now, so I do not keep track of time. I am amazed how much time it takes for a block, so thanks for documenting that. I just enjoy the process of seeing blocks grow and become a quilt. I totally get it why you could never get your time reimbursed in selling a quilt.

  15. You probably stay at it when you are creating. I, however, tend to get up and down, for a variety of reasons, so it takes me a lot longer to complete anything. I don't have ADD but I do need variety and exercise. ;-)

  16. No - not too much information or too much math - it is good to THINK about what we do.

    Besides, factoids like these give context when "people" ask "how long did that take you to make?" (I go with whatever the number I've roughly arrived at times two - at a minimum - to allow for pondering time, gathering fabric time, clean up time, and things like filling bobbins, threading machines, etc.)

  17. Hi Wanda...guess I didn't look at your blog yesterday, it was a busy day here. Anywhoooo...LOVE layout #1. That would be my choice for first, #3 is great too. You are productive with your series quilts. As for the know that my eyes gloss over when you do that. But, it's good to have a math-y in the midst. Somebody has to account for the details. :) Thanks for the great eyecandy!

  18. I think it may come down to personal preference when deciding between layouts #1 and #2. To use an Olympic metaphor, it's like the difference between the downhill and the slalom. Pure speed, or obstacles?

  19. I love all of these. How do you decide which fabrics to pair together? Is there a method, or do you pick randomly? It is very pleasing to look at.

  20. I enjoy ALL the information on making those blocks... makes me feel like a real slacker (*._,*) Those blocks sure are pretty.

    Hey Sandwich is way warmer than we are today. But you sure have us beat on total snow fall. My sister told me Illinois has not had a wicked winter like you are having in the last 143 years !


  21. I do techical editing for a quilting magazine and I'm being asked to estimate the time it will take for various this is fantastic information. It's not an easy thing to work out, as everyone's sewing style and confidence affects the time taken, plus we rarely sit down and just make a's usually done in pockets of time...but you know all that lol. So anyway, thank you for the data/stats/maths!

  22. Check out this link for a discussion of time/cost = what to charge.

    And here are a couple more links (same thing, but expanded):

  23. I love the break down. I think it's great you work in a series of quilts, rather than just one quilt.

  24. Your considerations are fascinating! I am so impressed that you've decided to make a whole additional quilt based on comments on your blog, hopefully you really like this quilt in all it's versions a lot yourself as well!
    It'll be fun to see it in another color way at some later point as well. You make things so quickly, I just think, oh yeah, that would be fun to do, and then maybe years later I do one of the 50 things I've said that about! That's why we're all following your blog, I'm so glad you're sharing and I found you.

  25. You make me laugh, Wanda! And no, it is not too much information. I laughed because I was timing myself last night to see how long it took to machine applique each circle on those blocks. About three minutes. :)

  26. You don't realize how long something takes till you have to tell someone else! I taught a class and they wanted to know who much time it took. It was a folded fabric table runner and it took 17 hours! I was stunned!


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