
Thursday, February 20, 2014

A review..........

Occasionally I am contacted by a company to see if I would like to review their product on my blog.  Sometimes it is a product I don't even use, but this time it caught my attention.  My favorite iron of all times was a Hamilton Beach and I had it for over 8 years before it bit the dust.  It still steamed up until the day it died. 
I have never been a fan of soleplates with a coating but this one caught my attention.  It sounded like a more durable and slick coating than most irons offer.

They are really standing behind this one.  Here is a link to the info about this iron on their website.

I am happy to say the little water compartment door stays open instead of flopping down as you are filling it.  Little things like that make me happy.

It is easy to see the water level which is a must for me.  My previous irons had me guessing all the time.

It has an automatic shut off, with a little beeping sound.  If you hold it too long in the down position it will also beep (and eventually shut off).  Of course that is a safety feature in case you left the iron in that position accidentally.

My first thought was "It's so big, it must be heavy" but the bottom part is the retractable cord compartment so it doesn't add any weight.  After using the iron for a month I found that it is heavy enough that I don't have to add any extra pressure to the iron to get out fold marks from my stash fabrics but not so heavy that it is uncomfortable using it.  It glides SO smoothly across the fabric.  The steam?  It has lots of steam and I love a steam iron.  Only a few things need a dry iron.  I recommend this one if you like lots of steam.

I read all of the instructions that came with the iron.  Do you do that?  Or do you just pull it out and use it?  How many of you empty the water when you shut off the iron?  I never did in the past but I am doing it with this one.

Now for the giveaway- Hamilton Beach will send one of these irons to one of my readers.  Warning!! If you are a no reply blogger, you are automatically removed from the list.  That is all of you with Blogger accounts that haven't enabled your email, 90% of Google+ are no reply.  If you don't know, you can add your email in your comment with the word AT instead of @ and the word DOT instead of .  I will pick the winner with the random number generator at 11:30 p.m. CST Saturday night 2/22.

The drawing is closed!!!!


  1. Sure seems to be a good iron. Thx for the giveaway chance. Love your blog EVERY day!

  2. I am happy to hear that someone else likes irons the same way I do!!! Not too heavy with lots of steam and auto off. If I don't win, I'll consider this one when I need a new one!

  3. My iron leaks all over the place. Sure could use one that is dependable!

  4. I'll be needing a new iron soon and this is about the only brand I haven't tried! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    sew4givn AT aol DOT com

  5. My all time favorite was a Black & Decker, but my current iron is Hamilton Beach and I love it. Lightweight, lots of steam--like the one you are trying. Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

  6. One can always never have too many irons.... especially good hot irons that produce lots of steam! Count me in!!!

  7. Love your blog and read it every day! Would love to win the iron, it sounds great. Nancy at PugmomQuiltsatgmaildotcom

  8. I've been reading your wonderful blog every day for months, now, but have never commented. I have a question about batting: Do you ever use flannel as a batting? I like it because it's thin and flat and adds weight.
    Suellen Franze
    sfranze at gmail dot com

  9. Sounds like a great iron and I need a new iron! Thanks for the review. . .and no, I don't empty the water. . .guess that's not a good practice. . .so a new iron would inspire me to "change my errant ways"!

  10. Thanks for reviewing this iron. I am always concerned with the weight of a product and how easy it is to use it. This sounds like a winner. I am glad you used it for a month before telling us what you liked about it, too.

    spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

  11. Looks like the season for failed irons. Mine is on it's last steam! Thanks

  12. Sounds good. I have a closet full of irons that I bought bur didn't like. Would love to try this one. Mary

  13. My current iron is just barely adequate ... the biggest downside is that it just doesn't put out much steam. When I read that your iron really puts out the steam, I was "sold". Plus it leaks frequently ... what a pain.

  14. I have a Hamilton Beach kitchen mixer which I LOVE! This iron looks to be of the same great quality.

  15. I think I'm on a never ending search for the perfect iron so will be looking at this one in the stores. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. It looks like a neat iron. I try to remember to dump the water, but sometimes I just forget. Sigh.

  17. I am always on the lookout for a good iron, and this one sounds like a winner! I hope the soreness from your recent fall on ice is abating. You can reach me at fdemmertatwindstreamdotnet.

  18. Great giveaway! I'd love a new iron...

  19. Oh, yes! I have to have lots of steam! When I was at my sisters recently she had a really cheap iron that hardly had any steam and it was awful - she doesn't quilt, needless to say. So, please enter me in the drawing!

  20. My current iron is also a Hamilton Beach. I really like the shut off feature and the fact that when I put the iron in the down position it turns back on again.

    ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

  21. I have a Hamilton Beach that I like but could always use a new one so put me in the drawing! jrshep at golfersandquilters dot com. I have your blog on my list of favorites and read you every day.

  22. I'd love an iron with lots of steam!

  23. Sounds like a great iron. I really like my current iron, so maybe this review will remind to empty the water more often!

  24. I use water in my garment iron (which frankly doesn't get a lot of use) and I do tend to empty that out. I only use a dry iron for quilting with a spray bottle. I'm not sure why though - maybe I should give steam a try! Thank you for a chance to win!

  25. Gotta love a good iron.
    Mbreault AT truman dot com

  26. I love a good steam iron that automatically shuts off. I don't want to worry that I left the iron on when I leave the house.

  27. My iron seems to be less effective lately. thanks for this review.

  28. Irons are something that are so essential but so difficult to find one that has a lot of steam, balanced to use, hot enough, no spitting, and lightweight. I gave up on the Rowentas and currently have a cheapie from Target that is barely adequate. I would love to try this one.

  29. I'm having iron issues at the moment, would love to try this one.

  30. Looks like a good one, especially if it gets hot enough. Removing the water after use probably helps with the spitting problem irons often develop over time. I would like to try this one out.

  31. Sounds like a great iron, especially with a good
    amount of steam. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. This sounds like a good iron. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. I've had good experience with Hamilton Beach irons as well. Thanks for the review and the chance to win!

  34. Interesting iron - great features. A long term - maybe 6 month followup - would be great to see how the features hold up.

  35. You didn't say if it gets really hot. I bought a new iron last year that was supposed to be great, but it doesn't get as hot as a cheapy I bought at an estate sale. Lots of steam would be great, if the iron was really hot.

  36. Great giveaway. Sounds like a good iron, and I could use a new one.

  37. I've yet to find an iron I love - this one looks promising. Thanks!

  38. I like a steamy iron. Love your blog for it's daily zing of color. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  39. I agree with Penny -- my biggest problem with irons is that after a year, they begin to leak. I'd love to know how this one holds up over the long run!

  40. I love a steam iron....I agree with you about using steam. And yes, I learned a couple of irons ago to empty the water! Thanks for the review and chance.

  41. Been a long time since owning a Hamilton Beach iron. I've always left the water in the iron. Guilty. Looks like a great iron.

  42. My iron doesn't get hot enough.I would love to try this iron. Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. I would love to win this iron!

  44. I always like to have a back-up iron and this sounds like a good one. I've been having issues with people replying even though I've done everything in the world that I'm supposed to!! So contact me at itsknotsew at gmail dot com just in case I win! Thanks!

  45. What a nice giveaway.
    Would love to have a new iron. I have a few and don't really love any of them

    Sue.quilts at verizon dot net

  46. Hi Wanda,
    It sounds like you found a good, reliable iron. Many quilters have problems with theirs and wish for something better. I'll give this one a try.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  47. Ooh, a new iron, AND it's pretty, too! Very nice! But has it been a hassle emptying the water EVERY TIME? I have never done that with an iron, I admit.

  48. I would love a new iron! I have a Shark now which is ok but the steam is not great on it. Had a Rowenta that I loved but my hubby dropped it. I replaced it with another Rowenta but it was not as good as the old one.

    My hubby doesn't understand why I fret over irons. I know you understand!

  49. I would love to win the iron, I need a new one!

  50. Thank you for doing this. I do value your opinion and I could use a new iron. Good luck everyone. toosoonoldyatgmaildotcom.

  51. There is nothing better than having a good iron! I like lots of steam so I will have to save this info in case I don't win and need to replace the cheap iron I am now using.

  52. right now I'm making do with my husband's old iron (mine had bit the dust). I'd certainly be interested in having a new one! thanks for the review.

  53. Good to know about t his iron. Thank you for the review.

  54. What a great giveaway. I haven't put water in my iron--killed too many of them that way, but I guess I never emptied them of water at the end of the day. My bad! Thanks!

  55. Sounds promising. The last Rowenta I bought was a spewer which does NOT make me happy.

  56. would love to win a new iron! I have two but I can tell one of them is on it's last legs and is taking too long to heat up.

  57. Looks like a winner! Count me in; thanks for the chance to win.

  58. Finding a good iron is always a quandary, but this sounds like a good one that I'd love to have
    Thanks, Wanda, for this opportunity.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Love Hamilton Beach irons . . . nice and heavy and great steam. Mine just bit the dust and i'd love another one!

  61. I would love to have a new iron. This one looks great. The soleplate on my iron is a mess! Thank you for the opportunity.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I have a never-ending iron dilemma--I am always on the lookout for a dependable iron. Thanks for the review.

  64. Thanks for the chance to win. nkadenver at yahoo dot com

  65. A good iron is worth it's weight in gold. After going through a gazillion irons in short order, I learned to empty the water after each use and it is amazing how much longer they last. If I don't do it they start spitting in just a few months.

  66. I've been debating over which new iron to get and this one sounds like a winner! Thanks for the review and chance :)

  67. It ;pals ;ole a winner to me. I love steam/

  68. It's great to hear a good review of an iron! Thanks for the chance!

  69. Thanks for the review! It sounds like a great iron!!

    I hope you are feeling better!

  70. A good iron is a must. I would love to win.

  71. Well fantastic! Love an iron that comes with a great review and is an automatic shut off!

  72. Thank you so much for the review. Irons don't last like they used to and I am always baffled with the extensive choice.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better! And thanks for the give-a-way!

  73. I am using a garage sale find until i find a good iron to replace the one that recently died-thanks for reviewing it and for the chance to win it!

  74. I've been quilting without steam for the past year (not by choice), and would LOVE to have an iron that steams. My fingers are crossed! Thanks for the review!

  75. Sure would love to find an iron with lots of steam. This sounds like a good one. Thanks for the review, Wanda. I read your blog everyday and love it! My email address is ercolburn62atgmaildotcom

  76. My iron just died! I would love to give this one a try! Thank you!

  77. I love HB irons! Cfurr at

  78. I am using a yard sale iron.......would love a new one I can trust! thanks for the chance to win.

  79. Thank you for the great giveaway. I like the retractable cord. They always get in the way when you store it. I solved the problem of iron left iron by plugging it into a switch controlled outlet with a small light. Light on = iron on. When we were doing our new house I specifically asked for a 30 amp outlet with a switch in my sewing room. ( my current iron draws 15 amps and that can cause problems like brownouts in your sewing room if not popping the circuit breaker - ask me how I know that :-) !!)

  80. I think irons are the one thing that I hear the most complaints about. How wonderful it would be to win a new one.

  81. This does look like a good iron and I would love one that lasts more than 1-2 years.
    ebwhite11026 AT scblgobal DOT net

  82. Thank you for the iron review! I've been in the market and I've added this one to the list to think about.

    How long does it stay on before the auto-shutoff kicks in?

    islandcat98 AT yahoo dot com

  83. Love these irons

  84. I've been thinking it's time for a new iron!

  85. What a great review - you identified so many areas that are important. I love the look of all those steam holes! And a retractable cord? That's a fabulous feature!
    I'm in the market for a new steam iron and will now ask at stores for Hamilton Beach, although I don't think I've ever seen them here.

  86. I have yet to be pleased with a decent iron that won't break the bank!! This one sounds like it would last longer than the usual 2 years!! Thanks for the review!

  87. Thanks for the review. I have been looking at irons and now know which one I would like. If I should win you can contact me at qltdiva1ATfuseDOTnet. Thanks!

  88. My all time favorite iron is a Hamilton Beach 14413. I bought it just after I started my blog after a series of short lived expensive and inexpensive irons. I am still using it and it is still working. It would be great to have a second iron that works.

  89. Thank you for the opp to win this iron. Mine is starting to 'go' right now, so this would be a welcome addition to the sewdio-studio. :-)

  90. Hummm I need a new iron for my small table by the sewing machine! Thank you for the chance

  91. This iron sounds like a dream. I like seeing the water level and always empty my current iron which has been dropped too many times. Thanks for the chance to win.

  92. I used to like Rowenta irons but the last couple of irons have not held up - spitting water etc..... I would love to try this newer iron. Like you not too heavy of an iron is important. But it also can't be too light either. Thanks for the opportunity!

  93. Wow. Sounds like a great iron. I hope I win. If I don't, I'll be on the lookout for this one when the one I have bits the dust. Thanks for a most excellent revies.

  94. I love a good steam iron! I collect them at yard sales. I would be nice to have a good, new one! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  95. sounds great! would be nice to have a steam iron that actually steams! I can't tell if I have email enabled or not (despite your explanation) so here is my email
    sharronk at cox dot net

  96. Thank you for the review. I have learned SO much from your blog! I need a good steam iron and now know which direction to look. Frances blupeony at yahoo dot com

  97. Sounds like an iron I would love to have!

  98. Sounds like an iron worth trying.

  99. Boy, oh boy, I do need a new iron! Please pick me!


  100. Boy, oh boy, I do need a new iron! Please pick me!


  101. Your blog is the first one I check every day. I am an iron freak but have not been happy with the six Rowenta irons I've had; they work beautifully until they start spitting water. I'd love to try this new Hamilton Beach iron!

    katquilter at gmail dot com

  102. What a great give-away! I also love an iron with tons of steam, and my current one does not fit the bill.

    Hope your aches from your fall are so much better that you have forgotten it even happened!

    julianaellington at gmail dot com

  103. Wow! already 104 comments! Thanks for the chance to win such a handy-dandy iron. You know where to find me.

    Susan McRae

  104. Oooh, always looking for a good iron! This one looks super! thanks for the great opportunity...hugs, julierose

  105. This will definitely b.
    on my wish list.


  106. Oops! forgot e-mail!

    Susan McRae

    ksmcrae at mac dot com

  107. interesting on the Iron, mine just died so I'm on the look out for a new one. Good review.

    33mm33griffiths at gmail dot com


  108. I need a new iron so badly. My current one never shuts off so I have to "plug in" and then remember to "unplug" every time I'm ironing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you pull my number, Wanda. :)

  109. Hi Wanda,
    You could be a copy writer for an ad agency! Well done. I don't need a new iron right now, but you know how it goes... say that, and the next day the iron goes on the fritz. So put me on the list too!
    grace, Elsie

  110. What great timing! My iron just bit the dust last week. So I am looking for a new one.

  111. oh i need a new iron for sure...that expensive rowenta is trying to die

  112. Thanks for the review...this sounds like a decent choice to try. I definately need a new iron!

  113. My current iron just died so I do need a new one! Thank you!

  114. I'd welcome the opportunity to try out this iron. I never use steam for's caused me distortion in the past. But I find myself spritzing fabric that has been folded for a long time, when I'm ironing it BEFORE cutting, so this feature could be very handy.

  115. Thanks for the review With so many iron choices available it is hard to find a good one without actually using one.

  116. My Rowenta's water compartment started leaking almost a year ago. With what irons cost these days, I've just been going dry. A new steam iron, that actually works, would be a blessing. Add my email to the draw list, thank you, Wanda!

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Looks like a great iron and I trust your review. I use steam 95% of the time and like an easy fill iron. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  119. pic me, please need a new iron.
    harriseg at centurylink dot net

  120. Thanks for the review. I will add this iron as a possible replacement for my current Rowenta. Rowenta is no longer the iron it used to be. Maybe HAMILTON BEACH is the new Rowenta. Hoping to win, since I never win anything. Just in case here's my e-mail.
    yenrab82671 at yahoo dot com.

  121. Well, that's really cool that you get to review products! This iron sounds good to me. Thanks for all the work you do to make your blog so interesting and fun. Hope your bruises are much better by now!

  122. After two Rowentas that leaked like a sieve I purchased a Hamilton Beach iron for about 1/3 the cost and I LOVE IT! It does steam so well without leaking. I actually like the weight but it's still lighter than my previous iron. I wouldn't mind a new iron so thanks for including me in the drawing.

  123. Hi Wanda,

    I've been shopping for a new iron for the past 6 months and haven't found one I like.
    I would love to win this Hamilton Beach Iron. It sounds like a winner to me!
    Count me in for the drawing!



  124. you know I have never owned an iron as an adult. When I got married my husband had one, but it was crappy. I don't have one currently b/c I hate ironing clothes, but it's also preventing me from doing any sewing!

  125. Sounds like a wonderful iron. I, too am interested in whether it gets real hot. My main steam iron doesn't so use my old GE which used to be a good steamer until it got dropped once too many times. Would love to win this one.

  126. I love to read your blog with my morning cup of tea each day. Usually, I lurk and rarely make a comment. Today-thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway. jlpfefferATgmailDOTcom

  127. This Hamilton Iron looks so easy to use, what a thrill to be a tester, not sure if they post to NZ, maybe too far-away, but if they do, I would so like to be included. Cheers, Jean
    jeanmck at clear dot net dot nz

  128. We could use an iron for our church quilt ministry! Thanks for the chance to win one that is quilter-approved!

  129. Oh I hope I win... I could use a new iron. Mine - well it's falling apart. The dial is off, and now lost, so I can't turn it to any setting but cotton. Oh well. I only use it for quilting.
    Hope you are feeling better - I am.

  130. Oh this sounds wonderful! I LOVE Hamilton Beach irons also!

  131. Thank you for the chance to win this iron. celiaambroseathotmaildotcom

  132. A new iron would be wonderful. My old one bit the dust and I'm using another old one that my mom had. Thanks for the review. I hate to shop for an iron because you really don't know how they will feel or work.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  133. Irons are such a boring purchase - but so necessary. This one looks like a good one to try!

  134. I always read iron reviews with great interest, as an iron is a necessity item and can be really "hit or miss". This Hamilton Beach sounds great - thank you for your insights - I really enjoy your blog!

  135. I love the look of that iron as well as all of the information you gave us. I've had several irons over 10 months and just can't seem to find one I really love. Hope I win. I never win anything. jmtdmt53 AT aol DOT com

  136. My iron gets taken downstairs once or twice a week when my husband irons his shirts while watching sports on TV. (Good man!) His sports TV time is my best sewing time, and I really miss my iron during those times! I'd love to win this iron, and if I don't, it sounds like a good one to purchase! Then the question will be, which one of us gets the new iron??

  137. Looks like a good one, and a very good informative review you've written!

  138. I would love a new iron, the one I have is on its death bed>

  139. I appreciate the review - I'm always on the look out for a good iron! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win, too.

    :) Linda

  140. I love the retractable cord. I always wind mine up, afraid the cat will play with it and cause the iron to come crashing down on her. I just discovered your blog recently, and love viewing your daily comments. Your quilts are beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration!

  141. HELLO,what a great post+giveaway!
    Thanks so much !

  142. Yes, yes, me please! It's my color too!

  143. povertybaykwiltr at yahoo dot comFebruary 20, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    Great to hear that this iron will take out the creases from stashed fabric! Always good to have more than one iron, too. Thanks for the complete review and the chance to enter a drawing. Your blog is the best, by the way.

    povertybaykwiltr at yahoo dot com

  144. Thanks for the chance! I love Hamilton Beach irons too! In fact, I have one (old old old) that I use just FOR the steam. My DH keeps trying to get me to throw it away but I slap his hands...

  145. That is a good review. You covered many concerns for consumers. This sounds like a great iron for quilters.
    I usually do read the instructions on just about everything but I have never emptied the water out of my steam iron when I'm done using it. Hum...perhaps I should start doing that. I'd love to win this iron! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  146. what an excellent review, thank you !! A new iron is in the near future in my sewing room, so this is going on the list.

  147. Sure could use a new iron. Love your blog!!

    marie dot ireland at sympatico dot ca

  148. Would love a new iron

  149. I don't comment often, but I read your blog daily. Thanks for the chance to win this iron.
    cke49 at yahoo dot com

  150. Yup, I read instructions! And because of that I do empty my iron after using steam while pressing.

    I'd love a new iron, mine is over 20 years old. I was just about to start researching a new one so your review is good timing for me.

    ~Jillian (email address is in my About Me tab in my blog)

  151. Looks like a great iron! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  152. Well this is timely, considering that my Rowenta iron suddenly has no "Burst of Steam" feature any longer. Grrrrr. I spent 3-4 HOURS looking online at irons two days ago, only to give up in frustration and hopelessness of ever finding an iron I liked as well as the Bosch iron I had in Germany (Bosch doesn't market irons in the US unfortunately). I looked at this one actually, and now, after looking at so many, can't remember what I didn't really like about it. Might have been the number of holes on the soleplate--I do like the Rowenta for that particular feature.

    Anyway, glad you like the HB iron--and thanks for the review!

  153. Would always love another iron! I'm reconciled that there is no perfect one.

    I never empty the water at the end of a session--too many extra steps. I was reassured that you didn't either, but now I'm curious as to why you decided to change and do it the recommended way.

  154. I am in the market for a new iron. (again) It's been a LONG time since I had one that I really liked. This one sounds like it might be the one I'm looking for. Thanks so much for the review and the chance to win!

  155. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win a great iron.

  156. This iron sounds like a keeper. I'd like to have a chance to own one too.

  157. I can always use another iron, especially one with lots of steam.

    I tripped over iron cord tonight and almost had the iron on the floor; retractable cord would make it safer in my studio:)


  158. Always good to hear how one likes different products. And irons that work well are good to know. Thanks for your review and the opportunity to win one!!

    itskarenk at yahoo dot com

  159. I have a really tough time finding that perfect iron. Sounds like this one would be great with all of that steam!

  160. This sounds like a fantastic iron. It seems like it's so hard to find a good one.

  161. I am looking for an iron to love. Would be wonderful to win it but maybe if you like it so much, I should buy it....

  162. Oh I would love to win this iron is going out on me and I am in the market for one...crossing my fingers.

  163. I'm always interested in a GOOD iron. Pick ME!

  164. THat is a neat iron. I would love to have one!

  165. I've replaced many an iron, have not tried Hamilton Beach yet. Pick me!

  166. Wow Wanda, you are a celebrity!! I would love to be considered for the iron. Someone in California won the big lottery - how cool is that!!! Thanks for all you do!!

  167. A new iron would be fantastic. Mine is on its last legs (7 years old).
    squeakers23 AT gmail DOT com

  168. I love an iron that has some weight to it. My current iron is a classic Black & Decker but, if I win, I would definitely put the iron to good use!

    crazyquiltpatcher at yahoo dot com

  169. It sounds even better than my Rowenta beeping to let you know. A very thoughtful review. …and you are right I don't read the manuals and I have never emptied the water, always mean to :)

  170. It sounds even better than my Rowenta beeping to let you know. A very thoughtful review. …and you are right I don't read the manuals and I have never emptied the water, always mean to :)

  171. I'd love to win. (And I *am* a rely-blogger. )

  172. Я люблю очень Ванду и её блог! Утюг у меня есть! Просто поддержать Игру!

  173. I would love to win the iron.
    jackiealu at aol dot come

  174. From previous post my email is

    jackiealu at aol dot com

  175. Thank you for the chance to win an iron.

    I enjoy seeing what you create. I mostly work with repro's, but you are opening my eyes with your beautiful quilts.

  176. Dear Wanda,
    I look forward to your messages every day, and was sad to hear that you fell on the ice! Thanks for the info about the iron.

  177. love reading your blog every day. I can always count on you brightening my morning. Thanks so much for helping me as I learn how to put quilt tops together.

    The iron giveaway looks nice too.
    Dian gdavidhoffmanatyahoodotcom

  178. Hi! I recently started reading your blog. I have enjoyed it so far. I'm just starting to quilt and I love it!

  179. What an awesome iron!
    verna at groger dot net

  180. Good irons seem to be hard to find, mine is dripping hot water all over my feet. This one sounds good. Thanks.

  181. Would LOVE to win! Great review.

    Qlt7scrap at gmail dot com

  182. Trying again . . . thanks for a chance to win an iron!

    uncommonquilting at gmail dot com

  183. I've been looking for a new iron and this one sounds perfect.

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. Thanks for the info on how to add your name. I have tried a few times, but it's never successful.
    I never know which box to check at the bottom
    I hope I understand how to do this. Also, thanks for having the giveaway.


  186. My gosh! 3 x a charm, I hope.

    Thank you for this opportunity.


  187. My old one has gotta bite the dust soon--would love a new iron, and your review is tops.


  188. OOPs! robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet Guess I had dot com on the old brain.

  189. My old iron just died so a new one is desperately needed! I hope I win it! I love your blog; I am inspired by your use of color. I only found it recently and LovE it! Thanks so much. My email is soygal99 AT sbcglobal DOT net. I'll keep my fingers crossed (except while sewing)!

  190. I'm looking for an iron to replace my old, leaky Rowenta. Nice to read this review today!

    tstanulis AT mac DOT com

  191. I enjoy reading your blog every day and and am inspired by all you do. I need a new iron and this sounds like a nice one.
    Sue P


  192. Yay! A new steam iron :)


  193. This is a wonderful give away. I do believe my link is live and not a no-reply.

  194. I replied yesterday but not knowing if I'm a no reply person or not here is my e-mail address

    dianequilter AT gmail DOT com

  195. This from julietwood191atgmaildotcom.
    Would love a new iron for my quilting efforts and I have a friend who would bring it down to me in Venezuela. The weight sounds just right, I am tired of leaning on mine!

  196. Thanks for the great review and chance to win. I'm always on the lookout for a good iron. I tend to buy one based on the weight. I have a hard time using a heavy iron. They bother my wrist.


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