
Monday, December 2, 2013

Still sorting..........

Yes, I'm still working on the studio, trying to get some things out of there so it isn't so crowded.  I emptied 2 drawers of batik pieces and chose five more groups to use for Blazing Star.  I will probably be lazy and fill the drawers with some of the stuff that is on my cutting table instead of sorting it and putting it where it really belongs. 

I also pulled out a bunch of small to medium size pieces to die cut into triangles.  I set up the ironing board and pressed all of them while I watched The Good Wife last night.

I made one more Blazing Star on Saturday and I can't decide whether it will be in the quilt or not.  Almost everything else is jewel toned and this one is a little duller.

I took out one of the original blocks and put this new one in.  I have lots more blocks to make so it will become more obvious whether it fits in or not.


  1. Just think how much fun it will be in a few months when you discover the things you 'didn't' put away... again! You are right we'll just have to see about that 'misfit' block and if she makes the cut... at the end.

  2. This block from the overall picture blends with the middle bottom block with the goldish corners. If not take both of them out and start a different color value quilt. Chris

  3. I love seeing these blocks together! They're all stunning. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new quilt series?

  4. Maybe it is the season to regroup and tidy the studio (doing it here, too) -- or is it Vicki W's fault?!?!?

    Either way, have fun exploring your treasures while you work!

  5. The new star is my favorite so far and I have liked them all-I agree with Cathi, if it doesn't end up fitting-a new series:)

  6. I love the fabric in the new block. It really stands out.

  7. Blazing star has me mesmerized ! I love each and every block !

    We finally got a rain like they get in Seattle yesterday. Temps in the 40's yet. But the weather kids tell us it is to turn wickedly cold by Tuesday.... We'll see.


  8. You seem to have so much fun in your stash! I am sure I would too if I had a collection such as yours? LOL I am on your side.....I LOVE the new star you made, but, will want to see more to know if it plays with the others nicely.

  9. It is too early to judge how well the block will play with others. Another block with the yellowish background may pull it together. Each block is its own painting, kind of like a stone in a ring setting.

  10. I love this block and the fabrics you have chosen. I think the new block is a winner and adds depth to what you have already there.

  11. It seems to fit. I love the colors.

  12. They're all lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Wow! Beautiful fabrics and stars, Wanda.

  14. I will wait to see more before I can say if the new one fits or not!


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