
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Only one more.......

One more Blazing Star finished and two more cut out.  They are 12" finished blocks.  It might be difficult to sew them edge to edge because of all of the bulk at the ends of the points so I have been thinking about a narrow sashing between them.  I'll try that after Thanksgiving.


  1. So many times I would like to stitch blocks edge to edge and run into the bulk also. I know many press seams open, but in this case still would cause bulk with the seams. Stay warm. Chris

  2. Love the colors in the block. This is going to be a great looking project.

  3. my favorite so far--love the colors!

  4. I think you are right about exploring the possibility of a narrow sashing.

  5. I was thinking of sashing when I saw all of those lovely points. Each of your blocks is a winner!

  6. Great colors in this star block...the sashing idea would look great and also solves that bulky problem...hugs, Julierose

  7. Love all the stars!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  8. Beautiful block. The narrow sashing would solve the bulky seams and showcase each individual block. Had not thought of sashing. Thanks, Wanda.

  9. Another star as brilliant as the last one. This is going to be a fabulous quilt top. I like your thoughts on a narrow sashing between the stars.

    May your Thanksgiving be full of happiness.


  10. Each one of these stars is stunning! I can wait to see them all set together. A narrow sashing might really set off each star as well as deal with bulky intersection issue.

  11. Love the colors you selected. Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Hi Wanda, I just wandered in from Elaine's blog (Hemmed in by Him) and have just watched your film debut. Absolutely wonderful, beautiful work! I love what you do. I'm going to add your blog to my list, and when I have time to get my quilting out I know where I'm coming for inspiration! Your style is so close to mine, but with vastly more experience. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. Joyce in SE WI

  13. Each block is such a surprise! All are such jewels. Don't know what you are doing for Thanksgiving, but have a blessed one. I am thankful for you!

  14. I do love those bright oranges!! The backgrounds really do make a difference. I like the soft colors and the more colorful ones sprinkled throughout. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  15. Every time you show a new one, I think it's my favorite until I see the next one!!!! Love them all:)
    Such talent you have.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Kay in Kansas

  16. The colors are just stunning. Enjoy setting them with sashing, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love and joy. :-)


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