
Friday, November 22, 2013

Blazing Stars........

I made another Blazing Star block after I came up from the basement.  I had taken one down and took photos of the first 2 together but I just didn't want to go back down there at 11 p.m. to do another photo shoot.
The top one in this photo is a new block I made 2 days ago with the original block on the bottom.  One block each night will probably be my speed on this quilt.  I did the second and third block the way they are supposed to be, with the darkest star in the center.  Since I cut 2 blocks when I did the first one I will have 2 with the medium star in the center.  When I get a bunch of blocks made I'll decide if they get to be in the quilt or be used for something else.

I wondered what they would look like on point.  I think I like them straight better.


  1. Either way the blocks are beautiful. The fabrics are very good choices in their combinations. Chris

  2. Nice. I need to work on getting motivated to sew this weekend. I am almost done with my Grandmother's Garden wall hanging.

  3. OMIGOSH, does that ever look hard. I can't even imagine how those blocks go together. I am have a hard time figuring out how to sew denim cut from jeans, using the pockets as sewn to make stockings. I have all these jeans to cut for making another landscape quilt, and did not want to waste the pocket areas, so I cut out the stocking shapes. Maybe I should just stick to quilting.

  4. I just love these! I have a die for this block and haven't used it. I'm so inspired - I'll be getting to work soon!

  5. Beautiful blocks and I love your pink cacti in the previous post.

  6. I like them better straight, too. But time will tell, as it always does.

    A die cutter is probably not in my future. I wonder if they make dies for Margaret Miller's various Angle Play(tm) units?

    She has done some really interesting stuff, but cutting around those templates was kind of a bear, the one time I tried it. Seems to me they would lend themselves really well to die cutting. And I would LOVE to see what you'd do with those! (Hint, hint!)


  7. These blocks are going together beautifully.

  8. I love them 'on point'. Of course, I am such a fangirl of yours, anything you do is wonderful as far as I'm concerned!

  9. Those look fabulous. What pattern is that?

  10. No matter how you design your combinations they look so beautiful. These star blocks remind me of Christmas stars and how timely you have decided to work on them.


  11. I love these. Are they paper pieced or die cuts?

  12. I think the straight setting is going to win out.... This should fill up some evenings. I think I'm going to love this quilt when you get it done!

  13. now this is going to be a really nice one. Love all the contrast.

  14. Wow! I love these blocks! Your fabric selections are fantastic.

  15. Oh, Wanda, they are so pretty! I'll enjoy watching this one grow, too.

  16. How big are these blocks? They're quite striking. I do see, now, that it's better with the dark in the center, but it works quite well the other way, too.

  17. THey are beautiful! Can't wait to see more!


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