
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Back home.....

Can you believe it is the last day of November already?  I was gone Thursday and part of the day Friday, with my son's family visiting my granddaughter and her husband in Wisconsin.  It is a little more than 2 hours away and the traffic wasn't too bad.  Last night I didn't have any more stars cut out so I decided to rearrange my main floor studio so I won't be sitting next to the window in winter.  I love these little stack and lock containers to keep all of the pieces together for one project.
This is little square type scraps in the divided section and strips in the other layer.  They are the smallest leftovers from the quarter log cabin quilts.  I'm not sure how they will be used yet but I want to keep them together.  This little container is less than 6" square so you can see the scraps really are little.

I didn't get much more done than moving all of the furniture around (which is all on wheels) so there is a lot of sorting and returning some boxes of strips to the basement.  I was exhausted by 10 p.m. so I'll start in again today  and hopefully be to a sewing stage by late afternoon.


  1. Glad you got to travel to see family. The container is cute and very useful. Have fun sorting. Chris

  2. I use those little containers for my hand sewing and hexagon projects--they are neat!! hugs, Julierose

  3. I've never seen this particular storage container. I like the idea of being able to snap them together and the handle. I use containers to organize projects and to gather items for certain future projects.

  4. I'm so glad you were able to spend the holiday with family. Those are neat containers. I don't think I've seen any like them before.

  5. I love to organize things, so that container is right down my alley. I wonder who sells them? Thanks for the great tip!

  6. traveling is exhausting isn't it - even if it is two hours away.
    I love those plastic boxes and have some in numerous sizes for my hand projects - they are great to just grab and go, I keep sewing kits in several of them complete with all I need - scissors, thread ect.

  7. I'm sure you had a wonderful visit. Those divided containers look quite handy.

  8. It's one of those post Thanksgiving weekends. I have been doing some cleaning, and decorating, and sewing on Bonnie Hunter's mystery.

  9. Good to hear you are back home safe and sound. And I am sure your grand daughter enjoyed all of her family for Thanksgiving.

    I too love those stack and lock containers. They do a great job. I should be surprised you had enough energy to do some work after your traveling, but I am not. No one can keep up your pace. I know your main floor studio is all cozy and set for the winter days ahead now.


  10. It always feels good to rearrange your sewing space.

  11. Getting your sewing space organized is always energizing, isn't it? At least after you recover from doing it! Glad you got to spend some time with your family. It's important.

  12. I use a similar container for my applique when traveling. Mine is rectangular, though, that I got at Joann's.

  13. Those are neat containers. I like the flat snap lids because they stack so well!


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