
Friday, August 16, 2013


I moved the blocks to the wall with the better lighting but still am not happy with it.  I'm thinking at this point to break the blocks into 2 groups and make 2 baby quilts. 

I finished another dishcloth with light corners and the end of a ball of variegated yarn in the middle.  Once again I misjudged the amount of yarn.  I think these 2 tone ones will make someone happy though.

This is the post I had scheduled for 5 a.m. yesterday.   Then I got the call at 4 a.m. that my dad had passed away so I rescheduled for 5 a.m. today.  I am so thankful that my friends had come to visit on Wednesday for a fun day of catching up. 

Thank you everyone for your good wishes, condolences and prayers yesterday.  It means a lot to me.


  1. you are so productive and creative. love seeing this series of quilts. look like they are woven. I may have to bite the bullet and try one. they look like they can be addictive though....
    and I started making dishcloths too because I saw them on your blog. LOVE them and don't like to use store bought ones. mine have seen better days so found the ball of yarn and have 2 done.

  2. Maybe walk away from design wall and do something for a day or so. Then you might look at it in a different light another day to get it finished. Chris

  3. I think the quilt is so pretty, but then your the master. It would make sweet baby quilts too although I like it as is.
    Funny how the ishcloth seems to go with it.
    I'm glad you had some friends with you yesterday.

  4. Have you considered using really bright exuberantly colored sashings? I am thinking join 4 blocks as a giant four-patch and then sash it with a variety of bright batiks or Kaffe Fassett prints.

  5. The quilt would make beautiful baby quilts. I love your dishcloths and would make some more but I still have a stack from last time. I give them out at Christmas to my family. By the time Christmas time comes around every year the family is always ready for more. I like that I can do it and watch tv. How bout you? It is a great way to relax.

  6. I understand that this quilt would not live up to your gorgeous, exuberantly colored quilts. Of course the baby quilt idea is a good one. What about adding alternate blocks, rather than sashing? maybe blocks cut into 1/4's diagonally, using some of the same fabrics? Or snowballs blocks? ...easy for all of us to think of more work for you. :)
    take care Wanda, thinking of you.

  7. Whatever quilt(s) result from these blocks will be beautiful! I think the dishcloth is fun with the white corners!

  8. They would make beautiful baby quilts, but the blocks would also make a wonderful summer quilt - look likes one that could be draped over a Muskoka chair on a beach.

  9. Hi Wanda,
    As a play off of what Gene and Chris said, maybe it's not exuberant enough for you! How about calling it "slightly exuberant"?
    This reminds me of the "low volume" quilts that some are making. I can't get into them, either.
    Vicky F

  10. I love pastels and this looks so light and airy so perfect for a summer quilt.


  11. I think maybe you just need to switch over to something bright and vibrant to make you feel better. ;)

  12. sending long distance heartfelt hugs . . .

  13. I missed yesterdays post about your fathers passing. I send hugs and sympathy.

  14. Your 16 patches are fantastic. I have caught the bug too but not as successfully! Hope you are taking good care of yourself today. You have lots of friends all over the world sending you hugs :)


  15. My condolance go to you.You have my prayers and hugs. Having loved one pass on to a better place
    does i,pact your life. My thoughts and orayers are with you
    Mary Ann

  16. I missed your post yesterday about your dad. So sorry for your loss. We got a call around the same time that my mother-in-law had passed - she was 98. I was so blessed to have her in my life. Hugs!

  17. Wanda, I'm so sorry for your loss; I know how dear your dad was to you and what a blessing it is that he passed on peacefully. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Leslie

  18. Wanda, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Daddy last June, I'm an only child and we were very close. The hole never goes away but time does heal some of the pain. Hugs to you, Amie


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