
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Four pastel blocks...........

I got 4 more blocks sewn but didn't even have the energy to sew the duplicate blocks.

We got 4 tote bags completed and parts of 23 more bags made at church sewing circle.  On the way home it rained so hard I could hardly see the road.  Not a drop in my town though.  We need rain badly.
I had just a few rows left to knit on each of these 2 dishcloths so I finished them last night.


  1. We didn't get a drop either. You got some sewing done, I cleaned and mowed some. Chris

  2. Ha raining here now... and yet again in a flash flood watch. weather prognostications here (DC) are really bad... although we have inherited- Erica Grow from one of the Chicago stations... forget which one. Love the ladybug dishcloth!

  3. I love the variety of fabrics in your blocks. They blend well but maintain a separateness also.

  4. Your pastel blocks ae very pretty - it will be fun to see them all up on the design wall.

  5. It sort of surprises me, but I really like these pastel blocks. They are so restful somehow. You got a lot done yesterday, you continually amaze me with your productivity!

  6. I didn't have rain either. Sure am tired of watering the plants but doesn't look as if we will have rain soon. No sewing at this house, just locker hooking and cleaning closets.

  7. Not to rub it in,
    But we've kept up with the average rainfall so far this calendar year
    Cooler than usual temps



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