
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Almost ready for the design wall.......

I got two more batches of blocks made yesterday.  Today a couple friends are coming over to sew and I think I'll be ready to use the design wall.

I got about 2/3 of the duplicate blocks sewn by last night so I hope to finish them early this morning.  That will give me 66 blocks to play with.


  1. You are such a speed demon! These are more vibrant that the previous set - I can't wait to see how you arrange them. Your blog is such a joy to follow!

  2. You are so industrious! Makes me want to get off my butt and sew something. I love the colors you've chosen.

  3. well you put all of these blocks into the same quilt for a large quilt or divide them up into smaller wall quilts? I love all these colors.

  4. I'll be waiting to see what goes up on the wall, like everyone else...

  5. Love the hot pink ones as usual

  6. Lovely bursts of color. Have fun with your friends.

  7. I'm so grateful eye candy has no calories . . .

  8. And what beautiful blocks to play with today ! Your combinations are just so pretty, can hardly wait to see your design.


  9. I agree with everyone else. I love these color combinations. I look forward every morning to checking what is up on your blog. It is such a day brightener!!!


  10. you have such a knack with color. I love seeing what you are up to next. and prolific too. makes me feel like I need to get off my duff and get busy!

  11. I found you via Pinterest, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. I love the many works of art you have made, and your show in NC looked wonderful! I look forward to future posts. My condolences concerning your father.


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