
Saturday, July 6, 2013

16 patch progress...........

I sewed a few more of the 16 patch blocks yesterday.  4 of these are new, 3 I had shown before.

Several sets are sewn and ready to slice to make the blocks.  I have to turn the iron on today to press fabric for a church project and to iron all of my blouses.  Luckily the basement is cool because we're in for a hot weekend.

Here are some more of my little troll friends.

And some more......


  1. Love he way your 16 patch is turning out! I make mine like you do yours, love the way the seams nest. I have strips cut to do another and seeing your hot and spicy version makes me think I should get started!

  2. The 16's are looking great ()of course)
    I just love the purple haired troll with the heart nose.

  3. Your 16 patch block are beautiful.
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your troll pictures. You have some really cute ones in your collection. I didn't realize there were so many different ones made!

  4. The 16-patch blocks are beautiful but the trolls steal the show! They made me smile the second I saw the pictures!

  5. So how many trolls do you have? They are so cheerful . . .

  6. Love how you have designed "Seeing Stars" ~ with red squares, black and white strips and the border fabarics you have selected makes this piece another favorite.

    16 Patch, has such a fun colorful fabrics. Like all your fabrics in your stash. Went to a log cabin quilt shop on Friday. Thought of you soon as I walked in the door, YOU would still be there ... I have NEVER seen so many fabrics in all my life. With my husband waiting in the car I only took a few minutes.... could have taken hours !


  7. Your trolls are adorable! Especially the wizard with white mane. They're also selling trolls at the fab website

  8. YOu have some outstanding Trolls!



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