
Thursday, July 11, 2013

15 blocks........

Even though I got up with a migraine from the Canadian high barometric pressure front, I actually got more sewing done yesterday.  I made these 5 blocks and their duplicates plus the 5 duplicates of yesterday's blocks.  My headache was gone by evening.

I put one of each of the 30 different blocks on the design wall.  I cut strips for 4 more blocks and now I need to decide if I need any specific colors to finish it.

This morning the 10 year old girl who is buying my doll house and furniture is coming over to work off $10 of the money she owes me.  I'm going to have her vacuum my van.  Also I will trim several of my bushes and she will pick up all of the mess for me.


  1. that is sweet letting the little girl work off her doll house purchase. Lots will be learned by all and it might just be a fun time for all.

  2. I always love a square patch quilt. It's pretty.
    Isn't that sweet having her work for the dollhouse. What a great idea and an interesting way for you to connect. It sounds like she has smart parents.

  3. Nice blocks. I`ve always liked the 16 patch.

  4. So where do you find a 10 year old who knows how to work? I could use one for the rest of my life!

  5. The blocks are lovely! How I wish I had time to sew, but for a while it has to take a backseat due to work and studies.

    I just love that the girl is willing to work off the money - she really wants the dollhouse!

    All the best

  6. It is looking great. Hope your weather is better today.

  7. I am sorry to hear that you get "high barometric pressure" headaches. I get those also sometimes. They are horrible.

    Your blocks for the top are looking good.

  8. Watching your newest quilt... come together.... and I wish I had a yard to do some work in. Currently its the size of a cheap postage stamp!!! What little space there is, the dogs need!

  9. I have no idea how you can sew with a migraine, yet alone those bright blocks. I had a whopper yesterday and tried to fight through it, but gave up at 1pm and took medicine and pulled the covers over my head for 2 hours. The blocks are very zippy. Wondering what kind of border you are going to use to hold it together- all that visual energy. I did finish a scrappy quilt top for a comfort quilt. It is the exploding square kind, sort of like Karin Hellaby (watched her YouTube). Will post a picture of it soon on my blog.

  10. What a great deal for both of you! The blocks look great.

  11. Love the fact that a little girl will work to pay for her doll house! Being of approximately the same generation (I am 84), we realize how wonderful it was to finally get something we wanted so much. To work for it makes you appreciate it all the more. The jobs you are giving her to do are perfect. Good for you, Wanda, Carol

  12. that is nice to have the child work for something - she might value the doll house more - nice to that the parents didn't just give her the money.
    Love the blocks - how big is this quilt going to be - or don't know yet?

  13. Oh my gosh, a kid willing to work for something! It's a miracle! Kudos to her parents.

  14. This quilt is so beautiful! The colors just pop! Nice that you are letting the little girl work off her debt. She will appreciate the doll house so much more and having the help cleaning up the mess from the yard work will make the task easier.

  15. What a great way to earn your doll house!!!

    The blocks look terrific. I can't wait to see them all together.

  16. You have one fine looking quilt coming together, I hope you know! This inspires me sooo much! I am also very happy to see a girl willing to work for something she wants. Those are perfectly acceptable jobs, too, so good for you and good for her!
    Happy Quilting!

  17. How you made the progress you did with a migraine is more than anyone I know. And those blocks look precise !

    What a wonderful lesson your 10 year old will learn from doing this work. She will love her doll house even more knowing she had to work for a portion of it. Knowing you, you will make it fun for her too.


  18. I used to get migraines, thankfully I don't anymore. Ice bags or cold compresses provided some relief. About 20 minutes resting with lights off and cold compress on my head made a difference.

    Young children will often be happy to work if they have some directions and instructions, if they can see results when they are done, and if they get simple but sincere thanks. You gave that girl some valuable experience.


  19. I get pressure headaches, too! Nothing to do for them but a dark quite room! I have a bunch of doll house stuff i need to sell, too!



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